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Patrick HenryBoys Home

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TheABC'sofa Senior

TheABC'sofa Senior

A community servicethat hasadded atremendous amount of help toVirginia isvisitation to the Patrick Henry Boys Home in Brookneal, Virginia. Theministry, located on 1,000 areas ofgorgeous land, is the home forapproximately fortyyoung boys.

Therearethreecottagesatthehome fortheboys,theoccupants ofeach cottage ranging from middle school to high school boys. Within each cottage there isa setofhouse parents who are in charge ofeach house.

The PatrickHenry Boys Home hasasmallerbranch locatedin Halifax, Virginia, thatholds about twenty boys. A Patrick Henry GirlsHome,forapproximatelytwelvegirls,islocatedinRustburg, Virginia.

Every Wednesday night guys from Liberty go tothe Patrick Henry Boys Home tovisit with theboys and befriend them as much aspossible.Thosefrom LUtutortheboysduringaone-hour period oftime strictly designated for study. Theboys attend a nearby publicschoolbutsometimes need help with their studies, so LU Community Serviceworkers can beofmuch help.

Those from LU tryto involvethemselvesinasmany activities withtheboysastheycanwithintheshortperiod oftimethat they visit.They playsportssuch as basketball, football, and volleyball aswellasparticipate inmany other activities.

Those who have worked atthe home thisyear seem to have been trulyblessedbytheirvisits.Thiscommunity service, as well as many others,isan opportunity tohelp others and sharethe Lord's greatness eitherthrough words or actions.

Nancy Schaefer

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