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In Memory of Jimmy Moffitt
Dear God, TodayIwanttocomebeforeyouwith aheart ofthanksgiving.I am very thankful for the graciousness of your Being. You have given me so many wonderful things: my family, my health, my salvation, and my friends. One friend, however, I am so verythankful forbecause he was such an inspiration to me. Ihave searchedmyself,butIcannotseemtofind wordsadequateenough to thankYou for bringing my friend, Jimmy Moffitt, into my life.
If you asked his friends how they would describe Jimmy, the consistent answer would be that he was a really greatguy. Jimmy was never "too"busy for anyone. He alwaysfound the time to talk with people, whether the subject matterwas important, or ifit was only to exchange a few words. Jimmy wasalwaysdependable.Ifhesaid hewould do something,hewould doit. Hisword was asgood asasigned contract.
He was also willing to do anything for anyone. If someone was in need, Jimmywould alwaysbetheretohelp. He never turned anyone away.
Jimmy alwayshada smileonhisface. He had suchanuplifting spiritthatitwas impossibleto sayhello to Jimmy and not feel his warm cheerfulness.
Not onlywas Jimmy agreat guy, but he was one of Your most devoted servants.He lovedtotalkaboutYou.Henot only talked to his close and dearest friendsaboutYou, but alsothose whom he did not even know. Witnessing was suchanessential part ofJimmy's life.He was concerned about others' salvation. Jimmy neverlet onechanceto witness to lost soulsslip by.
Jimmy even shared hisfaith to those in foreign lands.A fewyears ago,Jimmy went toHaitiwith his high school, prior toattending Liberty University, to share Your wonderful love with the lost Haitians. Whilehewasthere,Jimmy became ill.He was givenashottocurehim, but the needle that was used was contaminated with the AIDSvirus.
If this had happened to manyothers, theywould havelost the visionfor souls thatJimmy had.Jimmy, however, puthis virusinYour hands and allowed Youto work in his life as You saw beneficial.
EventhoughJimmy knew thathislife here onearthwaslimitedbythe virus, he neverdwelled on it. He alwayskept his eyes on You,determining to make each day thevery bestthathe could andwitnessingto others in wordsand in actions. Whenever I saw Jimmy,I neverthought ofhis disease; but I only thought tomyself: "There goes my friend, Jimmy Moffit."No onecouldhaveeverhad a better friend thanJimmy.
Thank you, Lord, forsendingJimmy into my life.Tome, hewill alwaysbe remembered asa greatfriend, but most of allas a soldier of Christ willing to lay down his life tosharethe gospel.