1 minute read
Albers Releases NewBookonAIDS
AIDS is sinking America like the iceberg sunk theTitanic. Like aniceberg, onlythetoptenpercentoftheAIDS problem has been revealed.
What Dr. Gregg Albers, Liberty Universityphysician,intendstorevealisthe bottom 90percent ofthe factsabout AIDS.
To date, he has written many publications on the issue, including Counselingthe Sickand Terminally III and numerous articles in local and national publications. Hehas also given testimonies toCongressional sub-committees on AIDS.
Hislatestbook isentitled Plague in Our Midst. Init, Albers attempts to tell thereal story ofAIDS inAmerica.
At present 60,000 Americans have died from the incurable disease, which
Albers considers therevealing 10percent of the iceberg. Underneath this are 50,000 Americans who are dying, 1 million are known tohave AIDS-related illnessand 3.5 to 5 million are HIV (Human Immunedeficiency Virus)-positive.
InthisbookAlbershopestoinformthe publicofthescopeoftheAIDS epidemic and hopes to "wake up" the Christian community.
Although the book points out the gloomy future ofAIDS inAmerica,itdoes offer hope tothevictims. "AIDS patients will bethinking a lot about death and the afterlife. It isimportant for Christians to'touch the leper' and minister tothem," Albers said.
Curren t Statistics
Three and one-half to five million Americans areHIV positive.
One million have AIDS related illnesses.
Fifty thousand are dying.
Sixty thousand have already died.