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Organizations ursuit
Involvementindubsand organizationsisoneo interestareas thatbombards new students atLiberty University. Student leaders point outthatmany studentsfeel lonely despitethemasses ofpeople, but thereissomething they can do-join aclubororganization and use theirspare timeforsomethingcreative. Each club and organizaon iseager in their yearly pursuit of new members Thesegroupsappealtodifferent students because ofthe different goals and purposes \ they have-whether they be spiritual, academic, artistic, environmental or political. Within these groups friendhipsoftendevelopbecauseof the likenesses among the members.
American Choral Directors Association
The AmericanChoral Directors Associationpurposed topromotethehighest level possible in musicianship andartistic performance ofchoral music and toencourage intelligentunderstandingofchoral music as an important medium of artistic expression.Theassociationschedules sightreadingsessions with ensembles of other area schools. The members also attend area concerts and assist departmentensembledirectors.
Alpha Epsilon Rho's objective istodevelopa close working relationship between mediaprofessionals and AER members who are media professionals The club'sgoalis to bridge the gapbetween the academic and professional worlds ofcommunication
Alpha Lambda Delta is a national society that honors academic excellence during a student's first year incollege. The purposeoftheorganization is to encourage superior scholastic achievement among students in their firstyear in institutions of higher learning It promotesintelligentlivingand a continued high standard oflearning and assists students inrecognizing and developing meaningful goalsfortheirrolesin society.
The Black Student Fellowship is designed to meetthe needsof theblack students of Liberty Their goal is to strengthen and unify the black students They strivetoenhance the members' spiritual, social andemotionalneeds.There are bi-weekly meetings, Bible studies and social events.
First Row: Daryle McGhee -President,Nikita Hall -ActivitiesDirector, Wenona Robinson- Secretary, ShellyWorthy - Vice President, GeraldSmithChaplain,Kevin Roland -Vice President,Ambrose Harris, III- Advisor.
Second Row:Robin McLean, Jeri Wiley, CrystalForbes, Dorena McFarland, MelanyPearl,TashaHiggs ThirdRow:CurtisAdams,IndiaWilliams,Antaya Tucker, AdrianCherry, Zena Torain, LesleyGreen, MikeGoss.
Black Student Fellowship
The cry forunity is heard acrosstheworld, calling people to join together. Unity has become a common goalincountries spanning theglobe. One club atLU is particularlyconcerned withunity ItistheBlackStudent Fellowship.
BSF was formed in1981 by Dr.Ed Dobson (whois now pastor of Calvary Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan) He saw the need to form a group to unite blackstudentstohelp easethetransitionforthem intoa primarily white college. Because of the increasing number of black students, the membership has been increasing steadily also. They presently have about 200 members.
ThepresidentisDaryleMcGhee,co-vice-presidents are Kevin Roland and Shelly Worthy, and the organization isadvised by Ambrose E.Harris,III. The clubmeetsbi-weekly tohave devotions, praise services, specialspeakers, skits and many otherspecialprograms tohelp enhance fellowship
There are several smaller groups within BSF BSF Biblestudiesentitled "God's Woman" and "God's Man" are developmental groups designed to fulfillspiritual needs through discussion groups and testimonials. The newly-formed singing group entitled Unified has as its purpose to travel to churches spreading God's Word through song
The ultimategoalofBSF is tounitestudentstogive honor and glory toGod Their membership isopen to any born again Christian attending LU;however, itwas created specifically tomeet theneeds ofblackstudents Shellie Heckathorn
Many students are eager tomeet professionalsin their chosen field-professionals who can offer advice and information about careersand jobopportunities
The International Association of Business Communicators isthe ticket to making contacts with thoseprofessionals.Thisfairlynew clubopensthedoor ofopportunity by bringing inrepresentativesfrom the workplace tospeak on relative topics
Two oftheguestswererecentgraduatesofLiberty Melanie Albachten Coeffield, a 1987 graduate, encouraged theIABC members totakeadvantageofthe internshipprogram becauseitmay leadtoa permanent position after graduation Marilyn Troyer, 1989, described her work at Hooks Associates,Inc.,a local public relations agency. Troyer got her job at Hooks through an internship.
Contrary to popularbelief,theIABC isnotapublic relationsorganization. Nancy Viar, thepublicrelations directorfortheclub, said, "Oneofmy goalsis topresent a new image fortheIABC-to presentit notonlyasa PR club, but a business communications club."
The IABC is a national and international organization. Thisgivesthemembers theadvantageof networkingwithotherchaptersthroughoutthecountry and theworld.
Denise Pugh
Chamber Choir
FirstRow:LaraLeonard-Accompanist,Dr WayneKompelien-Director,Amy Preas, Mindy Parrish, JudithWillet, Angel Phinney, ElizabethMaben,Carla Vanden Bosch, Melisa Lehman,Le Ann Shanks, Susan Hemenway. Second Row: Melanie Ross, Kristen Pelster,Rodney Bish,Vicki Creider,Jennifer David, Joel Gay, JohnStroupe, DanielPrunaru. Third Row:ErnestGardner, Kenneth Johnson, David Gallagher, CliffLambert, EricEllis, Todd Twining, Mark Willis, CrisO'Bryon
Thechamberchoirisa selected choral group at Liberty They perform for thestudentbody and community, and have sacred concerttoursingingforthe glory ofGod It is comprised of mostly juniors and seniors who have a major orminor in music
First Row: Christy Rhoades,Shay Martin,Wendy Class,Fia Pflueger
Second Row: Corey Joy, Dawn Westberry, Angela Chafin - Coach,Edie Loveless,BrianRandall ThirdRow: DannyCoupland,MarcCarlson,Mike Donaldson, David Thew,ReyniRivera, Philip- Charlie Daniel
The varsity cheerleaders' purposeistobring spirit tothe student body and give support to the athletic teams Their main goalsaretobeagoodtestimony and togrow spirituallywhiletheytravel. They cheer for the football and basketball teams and competeintheNationalCheerleadingCompetition
Concert Choir
Theconcertchoiris alargegroupofsingerswho jointogethertomake music and shareitwiththepeople around them. Thereare morethanjustbi-weeklyrehearsals and semi-annual concerts; there is time for thechoirmembers togetto know each otherandrelax. The choir isan excellent place to establish friendships.
The Health Dimensions Club provides a means forhealth education and community health majors and minors to grow professionally and to develop fellowship and service The goaloftheorganizationis toprovide opportunities for members to become actively involved inhealth-related activities
The Human Ecology Club enables students to explore career opportunities inthe field of human ecology It also provides studentinvolvement inthe "mother" organizations, the Virginia Home EconomicsAssociationand the American Home Economics Association. The club stresses the fact that it includesall students, regardless of sex.
Kappa Delta Pi's purpose isto recognizeexcellence ineducation ofthose who exhibit theidealsof scholarshipand promisein teaching and alliedprofessions Thesenior recognitionbanquet and initiation of pledges are special eventsforKappa Delta Pi.