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TheABC'sofa Senior

TheABC'sofa Senior

What is debate? It is usually associated with argument and with presidential debate. What actually occursamong collegedebateteamsis probably quitetheoppositeofthenormal associations, however. Collegedebateisafast-pacedmentalgame. The competitionbetweentwo teamsemergesas each team presents stacks of evidence fortheir position,while,atthesame time,examines theother team's arguments forfallacies. A team presents asmany arguments aspossible in a given time andtries to preventthe opposingteamfromansweringthem.Eachargumentthe opposingteamisunableto answer becomes anadvantage forthepresenting team A judge makes afinaldecisionbased on each team's arguments

LibertyUniversityhasthreedivisionsinitsdebatefield: novice,junior-varsity,and varsity.Thejuniorvarsity team consistsof students with no more than three years ofexperience. Varsity membersare selected based onpreviousachievements

By lateMarch,the LibertyUniversity Varsity DebateTeam achieved anationalrankingofnumber two inthenationamong othercollegevarsity teams—apositionearnedafteratotalof17tournaments. David Kester andEugene Hanreceived asecond round bid tocompete inthe nationals.

This year's topic was "Resolved: TheFederal Government should adopt and energy policy which substantially reduces the non-military consumption offossil fuelsin the United States." Notbeinga normal subjectofconversation, this topicrequired much researchand practice. Debateisnotanactivityforthe weak. Itisnotonlymentallyexhaustingbutalsophysicallydemanding. Studentsoftencompete intournamentsfrom earlyhoursinthemorning tolate evening. Thisschedule canbe carried onforseveraldays in succession.

LisaLundquist,team president, emphasized howteam members must depend on oneanotherbecause theyareconstantlybeingwatched byotherteams. They cannotleavetheirChristianitybehind; itmust be intheforefrontofeverything theydo.

The Liberty Debate Team adopted Colossians 4:6astheir team verse. Itstatesnotonly their team purpose andgoalbut alsotheirlife goal.

The International AssociationofBusiness Communicators provides communicationstudentswitha link to theprofessional world ofbusiness communications andpublic relations Itsgoal isto assist studentswiththetransition from college academicexperiencetotheprofessional world. The organization has monthly meetingsfeaturing professionalpractitionersasspecial speakers.

Kappa M u Epsilon is designed to promote an interest and awareness of both thetheoretical and practical applications of mathematics. It sponsors scholarly and social activitieswhich develop anappreciation of mathematics. There aremonthly meetings during which various topics arepresented from faculty, guestspeakers and alumni

The Kings'sPlayers is an organization that uses drama tocommunicate the gospel They tour twice a month and during spring break,travelingtodifferent churches and schools ministering to families and young people.The organization consists of 12studentsplus facultydirector, David Allison.

King's Players

The Liberty Association of Accountants informs students aboutopportunities available inthe accounting field,enhances theirprofessional development and provides enjoyablesocialevents.A weekend trip to Washington, D.C., is a special event which includes a tour of various professionalbuildings and offices as well as social activities.

The Liberty AssociationofChristianTeachersis designed to encouragefellowship and professional growth for all students in the teacher certification program Itisdesigned to involve students in all teacher education programs, both elementary and secondary In November there is a special MACSA trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and inFebruary there is teacher recruitment. Also, each semester there are Saturday morning workshops

The Liberty University Biology Club is designed toprovide afellowship for individuals through biological study, outdoor recreation, informative activities and programswithprofessionalsin related fields.The goal of the organization is to encourage conservation awareness and responsible stewardship of our environment.

The Liberty DeafAssociation is designed to provide fellowship forthe deaf It alsoprovidesservices for the deaf, such as interpretation of classes, chapel, church services, concerts and various specialevents Theassociation was organized to encourage and support those in the club.

The "Spirit ofthe Mountain" marching band's purpose is to raise enthusiasm and school spiritthrough quality performances at football games. The goal of the 150-member band is to build membership,toperform state wideexhibitions andtoperformatmore NFL games Theband not only performs atfootball games but also atparades, community and civic events, media events and nationallytelevised events

FirstRow: JenniferClark,CindyChurch,DollyHarrington,LynlyDeLacy

Second Row: Doug Middlebusher,Tom Kawiecki,Don Leonard,Scott Gordon

The Lacrosse Club's main purpose istopresent Christto others throughthe medium oflacrosse Membersusetheirathleticability to maintain an exemplary testimony fortheLord

The Liberty Marketing Association's purpose is to givethestudentsmarketing experience and exposure tomarketingbefore entering the business world They alsousetheir classroom skills to workon variousmarketingresearch projects

FirstRow: BrianKalafatich, Mark D Gedicks-President,JerryD Padgett

Second Row: JonathanD.Nissly-VicePresident,DanielRowling,JimMullen,JustinAgoglia,MonteJessee-Coach Third Row: WarrenHerder,Rob West, Rob Massey,JodyWaldrop, SethCampbell, William Austin Fourth Row: Chuck Drane, Joshua Rhea, CharlieNewman,JeffOatridge, Miguel Conde.

First Row: Vincent Austin -Vice President ofCommunications,Kelle Teague - Vice President of Membership,Vicki Lewis - Treasurer, Vicki Branyan - VicePresidentofAdvertising, Rodney Wells- DesignTechnician. Second Row: Jim Morgan - President, Corey Martin- VicePresident of Promotion,Todd Lebo -Executive Vice President,David WeidnerFinancialDirector



The Light Club is a campus movement toassist in the evangelization ofthe world. They areorganized to meet the students' spiritualneedsand arouseinterest in world campaigns. They have monthly light ralliesand prayermeetings.

Light International, a singing group, travels in the United States and foreign countries. They are student missionaries who present the gospelto thousands through their music ministry. During the summer of 1989,theytraveled toBrazil, ChileandArgentina

The Light Singers travel to various churches and schools presenting the gospel and representing Liberty University They conduct several tours throughout theschoolyear and summer The singers alsoministertothestudent body during chapel and church services

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