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Light Club
Over two hundred Liberty students have found a special beacon oflight on campus, onethat provides encouragement, opportunities in foreign lands,and bonding friendships.
The Light Club iscommitted to bridging the gap between student members and theworld ofmissions.
"We hope to promote global missions anyway we can and provide opportunities through Light campaigns," said Jimmy Jackson, LightClub president.
TheLightClub,whichisabranch of the Light ministries, provides many opportunities forstudentsto get involved with missions both inside and outside campus. Involvement in the Light singers increases missions awareness by overseas trips.
"Hundreds of students' lives have been changed," said Jackson, who traveled to Romania several years ago on a missions exposure trip.
Along with trying to reach the unsaved and discouraged inforeign countries, LightClub reachesoutto the student body. The Light Encouragers,which has been very fruitful, is a group ofstudents who reach out to their peers who arein need. They show compassion through spending time with a student and praying for the student's needs,such as a death in the family. Another group within Light, called Friendship International, allows students to write missionaries on a semimonthlybasis. Thereisalsoaprayer group thatmeets one day aweek to pray for missionaries.
The Light Club has set several futuregoalsinordertomake people aware of the need for missions. Recruitingforforeignexposuretrips is theirtop priority. Jackson would also like to see more community involvement.
"We want tobecome moreactive in the Lynchburg community in order toshow thelove ofJesusina tangible way," said Jackson. Light would also like to reach out to the Christiansonlocalcollegecampuses and fellowship with them.
The Light Club isled by Jimmy Jackson, president, Scott Hofert, vice-president, Danna Haag, secretary, and Rachel Woolridge, treasurer.
Nancy Viar
LU Taekwando Club
FirstRow: (kneeling)KevinWhitson,MikeHighland Second Row: Howie Cruthers, Robert Lopez, Melanie Newby, Robert George -Instructor, Henry Smith,DanielKrolikowski, Mike Goodwin.
The Liberty University Taekwondo Club uses the martial artsas an outreach ministry. It gives the students atLiberty the opportunity to trainin Taekwondo Theyhavethe chancetosharetheirministry in demonstrationthree timespersemester.
The Lynchburg Christian Officers Fellowship isorganized toreach many people forChristusingthemilitarycommunity asaprimary channel. They meet bi-weekly and have specialsemesterretreats to equipthisministrytoevangelizethemilitarycommunityinLynchburg.
First Row: Lt. Robert Gaunt - U.S.C.G., Adv., Julie Colvin, Melissa Brooke,TimLethers,SusanRobinson,Mrs.PatMacDermott,Capt.Richard MacDermott. Second Row: John Eddy, Cdt.Chris Smith,Tim Brooke, Stephen Novotny - President, Jack Hayes - Secretary, Paul Karbly,Bruce Buchanon,Matthew Ozelneiks- VicePresident.
Nursing Club
First Row: Barbara Beutler,Sara Tewolde, Am yHenegar - President, DeniseGaerte-Secretary. Second Row: JackiThompson -VicePresident! Elizabeth Headlet - Editor,Wendy Wilhern, Kari Dalton,KimPriceSecretary
The Nursing Club is comprised ofnursingstudents. The members areinvolved in projects thatbenefit the local community One of theirgoalsistoinfiltratethe medical fieldwith a Christian influence.
Phi Alpha Theta is the international history society. Liberty'schapter is called Alpha Iota The membersfocusonactivities thatareinnovativeand fun inordertodispelthetypical image ofahistorian
The debateteam, a universitysponsored team, debates against other universities They have won many collegiate tournaments inthepast against Harvard, Penn State and Georgetown University Some ofthe "hot"topicsof debate for the 1989-1990 school year included abortionand flag burning
First Row: Carol Foran,Thanea Martin -President,Stephanie HogueSecretary. Second Row: RobertShockley, Alan T. Brown,HeatherBaconVicePresident, Dr.Mark Steinhoff- FacultyAdvisor. Third Row: Lowell Waters, MichaelA Cobb,Dwight Poggemiller, David Gibbs,JeffTemple, Bruce Buchanan
FirstRow: StevenSelfe,Mark Denham,LisaLundquist, Sabrina Everts,Audrey Rekelzky, KristyEriksen,Jean-MarcGadoury Second Row: BrettO'Donnell-Coach,JonNorsuorthy, JeanetteLucadano, SherrySmith,Melanie Henson, MicheleMorris,Mon-1 Wang, Amanda Graham,DawnAlsop ThirdRow: ThomasWalker,JimSorenson,Tim Edwards,DavidKester, StephenFairley,LanceHowe,ValerieHoath,CindyMcClintock,EugeneHan,Don HarrisonAsst.Coach. FourthRow: MichaelHall,RichardMorris,RebekahSavas,TimotheusBehrens, CharlesKester,HumbertoBaez,Dan Beezze,ScottHarris.
The Player'sClub is a new club forthose inphysical education and related fields. They meet alsofor fellowship with those of like interests Most of all they want to be a good Christian influence and show good sportsmanship
FirstRow: RobertBonheim -Sponsor,BrendaBonheim -Sponsor,Raymond Parmenter, Jr. - Parlimentarian, Brian Kirschner, Stephen Adkins,Dan Peterson,DaveJenkins,JonD.Lane. Second Row: KimberleyKing-Secretary, JerryWages, Marlena Church, Mary Eades, BubbaJackson-Vice President, RobertTownsend,Mr Carroll- Sponsor
Liberty's yearbook, SELAH, bound up all major campus and world events into one volume, a compact memory book students can keepwiththem throughouttheirlife.
Countless days and nights were spent in the yearbook office, supervising layouts and preparing data.
Photography editorJody Barker, labtechnicianNorbertHennrich and theirstaff supplied allphotosfor the yearbook. Copy editor Nancy Schaefer handled all stories and captions with help from her staff. Sports editor Paul Jimenez, with much help from Steve Green,took charge of allsports throughout the 1989-1990 school year. Computer expertThayer Botham iscredited for alllayout and computer work.
Student class pictures were added to the yearbook this year. Also, more campus-related photos were incorporated togiveanoverall feelofLiberty student life.
SELAH was produced inorderto proudlydisplayLibertyinitsnatural light. Students willbe able tovalue their yearbook and look back to relivememories of 1989-1990.
Psi Chi
PsiChi'spurposeis toencourage,stimulateand maintain excellence in scholarshipand toadvance the science of psychology Itsgoalistonourishprofessionalgrowth throughprograms designed toenhance theregularcurriculum and to provide experience and fellowship through affiliationwith thechapter
The ROTC provides college trained officersfortheU.S Army,the Army National Guard and the U.S. Army Reserves. Theirgoalistodevelopand produce qualityleadership in cadets as futureofficers intheU.S Army Theiractivities include fieldtrainingexercises, classroominstruction and adventure training.
Sigma Tau Delta is comprisedofEnglishmajors and minors Theclubmeets on aregularbasis todiscuss basic English concepts, literature and writing. They also meet tofurtherthe development of friendship thatexists between the club members The members alsoparticipateinan initiation ceremony and help maintain their bulletin board inDeMoss Hall.
The Society for Human Resource Management is designed toexpose students to the future in personnel administration or laborrelations. It keeps the students upto dateon new developments in the field of personnel They sponsor activities such as company tours, monthly dinnermeetings and mock interviews The main goal of the organization is to develop anucleus oftruly professional personnel administratorsforthe future.
The Society for Law and Public Policy helpstoprepare promising students foracareer as an attorney orotherlegal professional. They visit many placessuch aslaw schools, courtrooms, and the U.S. SupremeCourt.Theirmain goal isto produce asolid, legal-minded Christian who isacademically prepared toenterlawschool.
The Sounds of Liberty sing regularly on the Old-TimeGospelHour and at Thomas Road Baptist Church.They travelacross the United States and several foreign countries. The main goal oftheSoundsis tospread thegospel, uplift and encourage Christians and,most ofall, toseelost souls saved through the ministry ofmusic.