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Student Government Association
A very important part of student life is thecampus student government. All student government business for the campus is carried outthrough the StudentGovernment Association.
The SGA provides various servicesforthestudentsofLiberty University. Such servicesinclude refrigerator rentals,dry cleaning, Monday markets, student discountcards,andaninformation center.
Included inSGA is theStudent ActivitiesDepartment.Thegoalof theStudentActivitiesDepartment isto offerstudentsasmany leisure and recreational activities as possible.
A variety of activities offered include major concerts featuring well-known Christian musicians, the Miss Liberty Pageant, the Liberty 4-Miler, and fund-raising activities that raise thousands of dollars for charitable organizations.
During theyear specialevents areplanned,suchastheChristmas banquet,the Valentine's banquet, the Junior-Senior banquet, barbecues,volleyballtournaments and aerobic classes.
Weekend activities are also provided forthestudents, suchas lateskatesatSkateland,latebowl atAMF LynchburgBowl,latenight PuttPuttGolfand Games,aswell asweekly films.
The newest addition is "David's Place," the university's studentcenter,where studentscan takeabreak from thepressures of school work. The student union buildingincludesamulti-purpose room,TV lounges, a study area, a conference room, LUey's restaurant, and agame room.
The Student Government Association tries to provide various activitiesforthe students atLiberty University so there will beagoodbalancebetweenfunand academic learning.
Stefani Scarlett
The Activities Council is abranch in SGA that coordinates all the campus activities for the studentbody. They helpin the planning ofconcerts, campus movies andvarious late-night activities. Theirmain goalistogetthe students involved incampusactivities.
The eight elected class officers strive to provide direction and leadership to the individual classesinordertoassistthe executiveofficersinaccomplishing their organizational goals They are responsibleformonthly class chapels
FirstRow: VickiLewis, Cami Todd,JanetIsaacs, Robert Anthony Linton. Second Row: Jerry Wages -Vice President of Student Activities,Lisa Skaggs,Am yNewman, Jennifer White,Rochelle L.Booker. Third Row: Rob Allen, Steve Milley, Barb Davis, Sharon Pack, Lisa Bambey
Theelectedofficers of SGA purposed to improve and enhance the quality ofeducation at Liberty through administrative representation of the student perspective and preparation of nonacademic projectsand activities
FirstRow: JasonBreland -Sophomore President,Julie D Kaehne -SophomoreVicePresident,JoelWillitts-Freshman President Second Row: Brad McNeill-JuniorPresident,JeffVisscher-JuniorVicePresident,LancePrice -Senior President, Liane Lewis - Senior VicePresident.
FirstRow: BethShoaf- ExecutiveSecretary, Dave Coy -President Second Row: Paul Davis - ExecutiveVicePresident,JerryWages - Vice President ofStudent Activities, Tim Sailer- Treasurer
The purpose of the president's cabinet isto assistthe president in executing student government projects and responsibilities.
SGA President's Cabinet
The Student Government Senate is comprised ofstudents in various residentialdorm halls. The senators represent those ontheirhallbytalkingtothestudentsandfindingoutpositivesand negativesoncampus. Thesenators check into eachpossibilityanddrawupabilland bring itbefore theother senators By having various committees in the senate, thegroups areallowed to concentrate on campus needs.
The Vice President's Cabinet isdesigned to help theVice President fulfill hisduties. The cabinet consists of students who areappointed by the Vice President. The studentsmustbefull-timestudentsandingood standing with theuniversity.
The purpose of the Urban Outreach Club is to encourage a burden of spreading the gospel to urban Americans. Their immediate goals are increasingthesphereofinfluenceoftheministryoncampus,increasing the number ofstudents involved in the campus outreaches, and conducting exposure trips and summer inner city terms
The WLBU Radio Club is designed to give experience tothetelecommunications major. It also gives students campusinformation Themain goal is toglorify theLord through broadcasted music The organizationisresponsiblefor the new development and productionofthe advertisementsthatgoonthenews
Han-President,Shannon Lathrop - Secretary.
WLBU TV was bornin1985. Today itoperatesthecampus TVstation asaregularbroadcastoutlet, showing bi-weekly presentations of several student-produced programs, music videos, interviews andcomedy shows Thepurposeofthestationis tobroadcast tothe universitycommunity ablendof programing which will provetobeinformative,entertaining and spiritually uplifting andtoprovidea practical laboratory in which students maydevelop skillsthey will need tosucceed inthefieldofTV production.
TFirst Row: Rodney Baylous -News Director, Melanie Beroth,Kimberly Lerie -News Director,JeffFulton,Greg Johnson Second Row: James Pickering-FacultyAdvisor, TroySmith, StevenVilla, CharlesE. Mallory, Manny Laso, Dave Kroupa -StationManager Third Row: JeffDull, David Harvath, MattDean,Tim Wright - TrafficDirector, CharlesLove
First Row: Rich Tulua -Programming Manager, Mike O'Neal, David Maxwell, Mark Hoig, BryantJohnson, BillNevens Second Row: ScottTill, Don Dartt, Christa Snyder, Velma Miller, Deana Coble,Sharon JenkinsChief Engineer,Ray Wick - Station Manager. Third Row: Steve TroxelFaculty Advisor, Lena Cliff, Joe Randanella,Trent Chase -Production Manager.