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Coach Sue Kelly and the Liberty University Women's volleyball team made great strides this season. With onlyone senior, theinexperienceoftheteam showed astheyplayed theirtoughest schedule intheir history. Theteam started theseason outshakily with losses totheir tough competition. They improved more and more with each match and keptproving thattheycould putagood team together. The Lady Flamesfinishedtheseasonwith eightstraightwins and two tournament championships.
Their 16-18 record reflected the toughness ofthe schedule but didnot reflectthe effort put forthbytheteam. The 1989schedulefeatured toptwenty teamslike Penn State, NorthCarolina, Virginiaand William and Mary. It alsofeatured tough opponents likeAuburn, Michigan, North Carolina State, Syracuse,Duke,Georgetown,Furman,Temple andVillanova.
The lineup ofTheresa Bream,Cheryl Stinnett, NicoleNice, KimThomas,andShana Pepper could be seen most ofthetime. Cheryl Stinnettis theonly senioronthisyear'ssquad. Stinnett and juniorTeresaBream provided leadershipfortheteam on and offthecourt.Nextyear's squad is anticipating aseason inwhich the lessonslearned from thisyear can beapplied.
Chris Doyle
Theresa Bream
Head volleyball coach
Sue Kelly made quite a statement when she called juniorTheresa Bream ".. the finest athlete Liberty University has ever had."
Such astatement made by Kelly stands out when considering all of the athletesthathave represented the Flames in the past and not to mention the current athletesatLU.
Certainly Bream's credentialssurpass many athletes. She has started each one of her three seasons and also been the Most ValuablePlayerforallthree years. Bream was also voted Most Inspirational Player thisyear. Throughout her three years at LU, Bream has been chosen to numerous all-tournament teams and has also been voted MV P at many of these tournaments
Bream alsohad theprivilegeofbeinginvitedtotheOlympic Festivaltryouts.Whilethere, Bream made the first ofthreecuts
"She isthat caliber of player," Kelly said. "Theresa has received the highest honors a woman athletecanreceive."
Next season Bream will serveascaptainfortheLady Flamesand will playamajor roleon the team.
"She will be counted asamajor partoftheoffense,"Kelly said. "Involleyball, you don't reallybuild an offense around a player, but we willrelyon her heavily (nextseason)."
Bream's plans aftergraduation include high goals, but marks thatareattainable.
"I'm trying out for the World University Games, and ifIdo well, I'll try out for the Olympics," the5'8" hitterfrom Mt.Holly Springs, Pa. said. "We'lljust have towaitandsee."
Bream and Kelly have a greatrelationship ascoach and player.
"Theresa is a realspiritualleader, a person who cares,"thefourth-year coach said. "She pulled the team together, and is themost humble athleteI'vemet."
Bream hasbeen a successfulyoung lady up tothispoint, and with possiblegold medals attheWorld University Games and theOlympics, theend tothis successis nowhere in sight.
Jeffrey A. Cota