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TheABC'sofa Senior

TheABC'sofa Senior

Coach Jim Long was asked at the beginning of the season to comment about his new positionasthewomen's newsoccercoach. Long stated, "Iam excited aboutthechallengeof taking over aprogram thatisjust starting."

"I have three goals fortheteam this season," Long continued. "Iwant them to be fundamentally sound,ingood condition andhave astrong team concept." Challenge certainlyisaword thatsummarizes the1989seasonfortheLady Flames asthewomen finished their second seasonattheintercollegiatelevelwitha4-11-1 record.Itisundoubtedly difficult tostartasport atauniversity from thinairandturn itintoasuccessfuloneovernight. But the Flames featured some very competitive athletesincluding juniorAm y Ingalls, wholed the team in scoring andgoalkeeper Paula Barringer.

All butfour members ofthe 1989team will be returning forthe 1990season. The willingness to learn andbesuccessful accompanied with the attitudes andgoals of Coach Long are all ingredients foraprogressive future inwomen's soccer.

FrontRow(L-R): Victoria McCarthy, AmyWilliams, CarolynBurch, Paula Barringer

Second Row (L-R): Julie Griffis, DarleneSaczawa, ReneeStanton, Corinne Mastronardi

Third Row(L-R): Debra Roby, Anne O'Kresik, Traci Camlin, DebbieCamlin, Tracie Porter(Manager), AmyIngalls, Robin Ingall

Fourth Row(L-R): Head CoachJimLong, Asst. CoachAllenLong

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