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1989 Men's Cross Country
Coach Jake Matthes and the Liberty University Men's Cross Country team came into the 1989seasonwithhopesofboostingtheirreputation.The firstmeetfound theteam atWilliam and Mary fortheirfour-team invitational. The Flames took second placehonors.
The second meetwas atMalone CollegeinOhio. The Flamesdidn'tfinishas highas they wanted—taking seventh place. They rebounded back thenextweek with asixthplacefinish atthe Loyola University Lakefront Invitational.
Liberty then went against theDivision I teams inthestateofVirginia andfinishedfifth out of 11 teams. Next,theFlames finished third atameet at James Madison University.
The team finishedsecond attheMason-Dixon ConferenceMeet and finishedtheirseason attheSoutheast Regionals atFurman University by taking a24th placefinish.
Ray McClanahan was theteam leaderon this year'ssquad. Hetook firstplacehonorsin fiveraces thisseason. McClanahan finished fourth inthe conference with two Olympians finishing ahead ofhim. Healsofinished 54th intheregionals.
Mike Shupe isshowing signsofbecoming ateam leaderasasophomore. SteveHurstalso finished sixthintheconference.
Men's Cross Country Team