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New TrackOpensLanes tothe Future

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TheABC'sofa Senior

TheABC'sofa Senior

Coaches had long awaited theannouncement of a newtrackfacilitytobetterthetalentand improve recruitingasLibertyUniversitytriedtowork itsway up the Division 1ladder. Once the announcement came,expectations ofa finefacilitykept growingas constructionbegan and thecompletion dateneared. And asofthe beginning ofa new decade,Liberty University has atrack thatis well worth thewait.

The new track,located alongside Willard May Stadium, isconstructed with top-quality material and iscomposed of twolayers. Thefirstisa base layer made of black rubber polyurethane and the top is afloodlayer.

The newtrackis asimportant tothe track team as Willard May Stadium is to the football team. According to men's track andfield coach, Brant Tolsma, the biggest advantage of thenew track will be recruiting,asnew recruits canactually see the trackinstead ofhaving tovisualizeitbefore itscompletion. Tolsma added that thetrackwillcutdown on teaminjuries.

LibertyUniversityhad theprivilege of hosting a track meet forthe first time inits history. Three meets were planned with the first one scheduled forMarch 24, 1990.

LibertyUniversity will also seek tohelp others intheirpursuit of excellence intrack and field.

For the firsttime the localhigh schools inthe area willhave a quality track to train on. Before, the nearest good track was an hour away in Roanoke.

The brand new track hassucceeded inpassing everyone's hopes for a quality track that meets the needs ofthe school's teams and enhances recruiting. It alsosavestime and adds convenience forthe members ofthisyear's track team.


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