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Men's Volleyball

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TheABC'sofa Senior

TheABC'sofa Senior

John Kurtz arrived in the fall of 1987 only to find themen's volleyball club on campus, which was present two years earlier, non-existent. While greatly interested inthe sport ofvolleyball fora while, Kurtzfinally decided to start up the club once more when greatinterestwas shown inthefall of 1989.

The club,which was cut in tryouts from 40to 14, played various schools within the local region.The young team showed great skill in a sport that has gained popularity around collegecampuses.




Virginia Tourn


LibertyU Invitational

E Mennonite, William and Mary,UVA, Mary Washington,JMU

Washingtonand Lee Tourn


E Mennonite Tourn

1990Asics Volleyfest

UVA Classic

The outlook isoptimistic for two reasons. The firstisthe expected return of all but three members oftheclubnextyear. The second is the anticipation of a 13-club division composed of schoolswithinthe areafornextyear.Libertywill compete in the upper level along with UVA, Duke,UNC,Va. Tech,Williamand Mary,NCSU, and E.Mennonite College.And withthepromise shown in thisyear's squad,Kurtz feelsthatthe clubwill furnishfinecompetitionforany clubin theDivision.


Portraits ofindividuals. Unique wnn men u wn . strengths and weaknesses. Pursuing their own dreams andreaching theirowngoals.

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