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Portraits ur suit f>
Pages are quickly turned inthissection as we . search for familiar faces to show the folks back home-a favorite teacher, a best friend and roommates.A catalogofstories is herein to be shared, pictures worth tno11sands ofwords.
Theseportraits represent more than just picturesofpeople; they resent personalities memories to laugh ; cryabout. They represent thosewhohave instructed andmolded lives. They are uniquely individual;they are collectively Liberty University.
"Youdonot determineaman'sgreatnessbyhis talent orby hiswealth, as the world does, but ratherby what it takesto discourage him."
"I believeall oflife is making decisionsand then making those decisions work.... Sometimes you know clearly and sometimesyoudon't,butifyourheartisright,whicheverdoor yougothrough,GodwillmakeitrightandmakeithonorHim/'
Chancellorand Mrs. Falwell
"Young people today aregoing togrow up in a more blessed and freersocietythanmany ofushaveknown.From outofthatenvironment of freedom they are going to have the opportunity to impact and evangelize the world for Jesus Christ in their generation because of communication, transportation,the information industry and all else thatis availabletothem.
They canand theywill do itbecausethere's aLibertyUniversity on the face of this earth today that iscommitted to calling America to repentance, committed to evangelizing the world for Christ in our generation, and committed todoingitby trainingchampions forChrist on ourcampus."