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Dean Jane McHaney
Jane S.McHaney, Dean of Women at Liberty University and thewife of Denny McHaney, a professor in the Education Department here, wasborn inMobile, Alabama. Her parents, Eric and Martha Sims, moved the family every year of Dean McHaney's elementary education because of her father's involvement in the armed services. She graduated from MerrittIsland High School inFlorida in1974.After high schoolgraduation, Dean McHaney enrolled atLibertyUniversityand graduated in 1982, with amaster's degree incounseling.
After graduating from Liberty, Dean McHaney served asa Resident Supervisor for two years.From that position sheprogressed tobecome theDean ofWomen in July1988.
As Dean of Women, Dean McHaney likes towork with thestudentsinapositive way. "Ilike tohelp people.That iswhyI chose counseling as a career. To assist people, whatever their needs may be, is what Ilike to do," she said. However,as Dean ofWomen, Dean McHaney faces the flip side also. "What Ilike least about my positionis thedisciplineaspect. I donot like it when I have to dismiss students from school," she added.
Dean McHaney has consciously set goals forthe students and forthe school. "The desire Ihave for thestudents here is that each willbe successful.Inorder to be successful, one must live a well-balanced Christian life. The purpose ofthediscipline system here atLiberty is toinstill character and discipline. The building ofcharacter in students iswhat Ihope tobe able tohelp with," Dean McHaney said.
ThegoalsthatDean McHaney hassetfor Liberty University are self explanatory. "I hope thattheschoolwillremain distinctive in nature. Iwant itto continue toattract students who want tobe successful in all areas oftheirlivesincluding academicand spiritual,"shesaid.
"The greatest thing that Ihave learned since Ihave been the Dean ofWomen is to acceptpeopleas theyare, regardlessofwhat they do," Dean McHaney said. "I have learned tolovepeople enough tohelp build them up so they can reach their highest potential.By seeing students come and go, for whatever reasons,and by seeing how they have successfully weathered many stormytimes,Godhasshown methateveryone haspotential."