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ChallengingLeaders forChurch Growth
By Justus Bruno
Thisyear'sSuper Conference was committed to "The Renaissanceof theSunday school."Because theSunday school is the biblicalfoundationof the church, Chancellor Falwell said, "If the American church givesuponthe Sunday school,it will leaveour churches weak andpowerless."
In hisintroductory remarks Dr. Falwellsaid, "I am nottrying toprop up oneofthetraditional organizations of the church,I want ustoobey the Great Commission that tells us to teach Christians to obey all the commands that Jesus gave us."
Falwell went on to proclaim, "Sunday schoolis Bibleteaching .. it is the core ofall wedo."
Because of its importance, SuperConference assembled agreat core of speakers and leaders. Some ofthe speakers were Dr. Duane Gish, Dr. John Morris, Dr. Henry Morris,Dr. RobertWebber, and Mamie McCullough
One of the highlightsof Super Conference was the workshops that were featured on Christian education, churchministry,counseling and music. Jerry Falwell again offered thepopular seminars"Howto DoubleYourAttendance"and"Howto Double Your Offerings."
Another highlightwas theLadies Conferences which taught women how to grow in their walk with theLord. Other topics for ladies included answers to prayer,thejoys ofbeing a wife and mother, and finding God's plan foryourlife.
The conference concluded with a performance oftheGod Save America Rally,formed to bring about nationalrevival.
The Dean oftheSchool ofReligion atLiberty University, Dr. Elmer Towns is a recognized leader in the Sunday school movement andhaswrittenbooks and lead seminars in this area. He was anotherfeatured speaker on Sunday school.
Over 100national and local leaders challenged all whoattended the Super Conference.
Romans 1:16
Above:Studentsand pastorsalikeenjoyed the preaching and singing Left: John Rawlings, Jerry Falwell's"mentorand friend," spoke on thefinal night ofSuper Conference.Below:John Starnesprovided themusicaltalentin theconference.
Charlotte, NorthCarolina'sEricsson Stadium hosted morethan 75,000 young adultsforaBillyGraham Crusade.Outsidethestadium, 13,000peoplewatched theprogram on a bigscreentelevision