5 minute read
4tM CdHntol 4t*(( The FaithfulFew
Laura M Spp/e Editor-in-Chief
My journey in Selah land has finallycome toa close This experiencehasdefinitelybeenchallengingwithmany obstaclesalong the way, but Iwouldn't change it for anything!
Who would have thought that five people could complete the whole book in a little more than fourmonths?!We all found skills we never knew existed and are much betterpeople now, right?!
There areso many people that I'dliketo thankfor making this adventure possible: To the "Mac Queen": you know who you are! Wordscannotbeginto describe my thanks for all the sacrifices you made to make sureSelahwas a reality.A huge thank you goes to your family for "lending" you to usforsuch long periods oftime. I just know that one day the Lord willopen your eyes and you will seeTed forwho he really is!(HA!)
To Stephanie: Your optimism was definitely my sanity many a time. Allmy thanksformaking the candid section possible! Without you, itwouldn't have happened.
To Rachael: Thanks so much for your dedication and willingness to go above and beyond the job description of "business editor." Thanks also for letting me "actlikea freshman again."
ToTed a.k.a., Instigator, (Igno): You don'thave me fooled!! Idon't know what I would have done without anyone tocruisethecircle with or go to Hardee's and get Icee's!You're the best!Thanks so much for allyour hard work and dedication,butmost of all for your friendship!
To Matt N.:Who would have thought of you as the child prodigy? I never would have guessed you were 17!Your humor was my greateststress reliever!
To Matt C. and Sarena:Thanks forall your photo expertise!
To Justus:May allyour fantasiesfrom "ThePark"oneday come true! Fabulous!
ToJulie (Igna), Mindy, Melissa, Lauren, Ronda, Lori, Heather, Robin and Priscilla: Thanks so much forbeing so understanding of m y moodiness, absent mindness; but most of all thanks forbeing so patient, kind and understanding, especially when I'd cancel at the last minute You'll never know how much your encouragement meant to me!
To Shawn and Mike Macasa: Thanks forall the leadershiptips.
To Allison, Lisa, Jessica, Michie, Stacey, Becky, Wallace, Sylvia,Ebony and the rest of the Selah staff: Thanks for all your help! Itwouldn't have happened without you and your contributions!
To Steven Brusati, Daniel Heideman, Nathan Okuley and James Loather: You guys are the reasons we have a yearbook!
Thanks foryour appreciation!
Ronda, Did I ever tell you, "You rock?" One day we'll be the "Big Kids" of Replay Records!
Business Editor
Ifsnot too oftenthata freshman getstoexperiencesomething like this. I never thought,as Ileftto come to school,Iwould be spending more nightsin the yearbooklab thanIdidin my room!
Itwas worth it, though, and I would doitall overagainifIcould.I'll never forget how much teamwork went intoputting thebook together. Thanks, Laura, for your guidance and friendship (Grover saysthankstoo!)
The 3 a.m. chairraceswere awesome! Happy 17thbirthdayMatt! Ted, thanks for my firstKrispy Kreme! Sarena, your picturesrock!Lalie and Stacey, you guys are wonderful!
Thank you,Mrs.Huff for allof your dedication to Selah and allthe work that you putintoit.
Drama! Drama! Drama! Philippians 1:21
Photography Editor
I would like to thankGod first for thestrengthand opportunitiesHe has givento me.
Thank you, Kim,for being a perfectwife and standing by me I love you.
I would also liketo thank those whom I worked with on theLiberty Champion and Selah staffs. You have been good friendstome.
Thankyou, Mr. Pickeringfor your work asmy advisorand Dr Steinhoff forbelievingin me Dr Blass,thankyou for your loveof military history.
It hasbeen a difficultfour years, butIwouldn'ttrademy educationfor theworld.
Photography Editor
Anothermountain conquered. Dr. Falwell: you wereright;Never, never, never quit. That challenge has helped me andothersmorethantheywillever know.
To themissing-in-action yearbook editors:Jessica,Stacey,JustusandKyle: Iguess you made therightdecision. Wallace, where'sthedublist?

To SerenaBusily: Ihope you have agreatlife.MattNichols:IthinkIknow who wasresponsiblefor the 17thbirthday announcement inconvo. Rachael: You have the best impersonation of Grover Ihave everheard Maybe you can gettogether with the restofthe Sesame Street crew and go ontour.
To Miss Laura Sipple: I think you should takeKelsey Huff'sadvice and buyabout100balloonsonawindy day.
Photography Editor
"When you've come to the edge ofall you know and areaboutto step off intothedarknessoftheunknown; faithisknowing oneof twothingswill happen: therewill be somethingsolid tostand on, oryou willbe taughtto fly!"(Author unknown).
Thissums up what went through my mind at2:00 a.m. when I turned, onceagain, to enterthedreaded darkroom Congrats, Laura!You're a cool editor!
Mrs. Huff Don'tlistento anything Laurasaysaboutme. Ifstotallyuntrue. You'rethe best.Iknow you'regladthis yearbookisfinallydone Thankyou for allthe parties; your Cincinnatichili tastes great.
Mr. Huff Thank you forallowing us intoyour home toplay gameslate at night Go Wildcats!
Mrs. Wharton:Thank you for allowing me to work as distribution manager forthe Champion.And I'll never forget the time we moved the truckload ofcomputers and desks. It was greatbeing able to work withall of you. Always putyourtrust in God.
Stephanie Pumm/ff
Copy Editor
Laura: We did it. We're outta here. We rock! Mrs. H: How did Iget this job?Thanks forthe opportunity.No, I'mserious!
To my ladies:What a greatyear anda half!Praisebe! Twistee:my great roomie.Imaginewhatlifewould have been likeif I never would have met you. Maybe alittlemorestablebut not as much fun. Mary:One daywe'llfind "him," and if11all be worth it I'll go cross-eyedfor you any day. Pencil: So glad you made itback towhere you belong. Thanks for the nickname.
Hannah: M y longest,lastingfriend How haveyou putup withme? Road tripsrock, Bonita rules, and we were simply charming?! You ladies have made my collegeyearsone crazyexperience.Girls Rule from thebeginning.So,what's next? Don't forget who'sthe"prettiesf'... Thatbugged!
To my Circadianboys:Ilove you all. May God use you to His glory. You'reall incredibleand will make it. Danand Will:Youstillowe me Greenwich Village,Central Park,and ...! Maybe one day FiestaChickenwas a scam!Iloveyouguys. "IWillRemember You."
Trackboys: You fly like thewind. So many memories: Peaks of Otter, brown beans,Anitas,the manor,the ranch, the Red Chicken(?) Call me when you getto GMU!
Wheream Igoingnow?God only knows Ba-ByeLU Seeya, ROXY
Justus Bruno
Copy Editor
I would first like to thank Jesus for givingme anotheryearofgreatmemories, experiencesandfriends.
Everyone owes a great deal of gratitudeto oureditorLaurafor sacrificingher lifefor thisbook,I'llmiss you!
ThankyouMrs. Hufffor givingus the timeofasecondfamilyandthe rest of the Selahstafffor making this happen.
Iam inawe ofthegodly mother God gaveme and praying formy fatherto oneday beapartof the family ofGod.
Dr. Towns,you are the greatest bossandprofessor,but mostimportant my friend.
Thank you Mrs. Rosemary McGibbon forgiving me a visionfor integratingmy relationshipwithChrist intoteaching.
ThethingthatmakesLibertygreat isitsprofessors.Thefollowinginvested their livesin me: Drs Borland, Mix, Spohn,Fink,Linstra,Mr Leverett,Mr Foreman,Mrs. Lowry,Dwayne Carson and, mostof all,Dane Emerick.
I love and will miss all of my friends.Scottie,you'remy bro! Jerusalem crew-Eric, Matt, Lisa, Keith, Johnathan, Jana,Staci and John B.Don't forgetwe have thevery words of God A V 1611, KJB, Psalm 12:6-7
And to Steph,thanksfor finishing alonewhatwe startedtogether Thanks tothe greatestchurchin the world,CalvaryChapel ofPhilly
Matthew Mcho/s Business Editor
To"Shaggy":Itriedmy hardestbut in the end Mrs. H had the finalsay.
To Rachael and Laura:Justremember,Ihaveagood memory. One day...one day...(Laura, good luckwith Craig!)
To Mrs. Huff: The bestadvisorin the world. One day you willberewarded for allofyoursacrifices. "Matt, are you busy?"
To Ted: We stillneedtoget thatpictureof Lauraat the prayerchapel "Good helpishardtofind."Ifthere was an unofficial theme for Selah '97, itwasthis.Editorsdeserted(you know who you are), staffmembers didn't show up and representativesquit. But in the endthoseofus who enduredthe long nights and endless hardships were rewarded for our hard work; whatthatreward isI'm notquitesure. Untilnext time (Prov. 3:5,6).

No T Ad R I F T
Because we are Not Ashamed, Not Afraid and NotAlone, we have meaning and purpose. We are NotAdrift. We gain confidenceknowing that God is in control of everystepalongthe way. Through his guidance, we find courage, strengthand comfort. "Trustin theLord withall thineheartand leannot unto thineown understanding. Inall thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thypaths"(Proverbs3:5-6 ).