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Team Fee/s B/essedto l/l/in
Hames fansgotfiredup forthe performance of LU'ssquad inthe BigSouth women's title match. The home team crowd screamed, cheered and even dabbed atear or two as the Lady flamesdethroned top-ranked UNC Greensboro.
The thrill ofvictoryemptied thestands as theclockreadzeroes, butwithinminutes, the eruptionofthe furnacecame to asudden and complete halt.
As excitedhome teamfans rushed to centercourt, ahumble team silencedtheentire arenawhen it knelt in acircle to offer thanksto God who blessedit withadream come true.
The yearwas amomentous one for Reeves' gang, butin one heartfelt prayerthe Lady Hames directedall the gloryto theAlmighty.
"Itwas soawesome tobeable togive the praiseand honorand glorytohim," guard GenieStinnett said.
Inanoutward displayofaninward faith, thechampionsreminded onlookers that God remainstheir ultimate inspiration andstrength
- LaureleiMiller
Letthenetcutting begin!Above
left:Ann Marie Bowdoin pointed tothe Lord inheaven inpraiseof thevictory Above center:Elena Kisseleva looked like a childat Christmas.Above right: Michelle Wyms, as one oftwo seniors on theteam,tookthefirstsnip. Center right: Coach Reeves took histurn Right: The Lady Flames accepted the Big South championship trophy from commissioner Kyle Kallander.Far right: Fansjoinedtheplayers in prayerand praiseofthevictory