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LU's track and field teams were a force to bereckoned with. The men's team made historylastyear by capturingthe IC4Aoutdoorchampionship and wereranked number eightintheprestigiousMartin Surface Company's National Dual Meet Team rankings.
The men's team was lead by seniors: Jacob Swinton- All American sprinter, CarltonMcDuffie-fivetimeall Eastsprinter, Decathlete/vaulters Micah Gaudio and Michael Prettyman-two time allEast, and DistanceveteranDan Bentley; juniors:Andrew McFadden- IC4A 2nd place in the 200m,All East mid-distance runner Chris McGregor,and Big SouthRunnerof the Year Josh Cox.
The women's team combined upperclass strength and discipline with a mix of new talent Team leaderswerecaptainsReginaMcFarlandand LauraGosselin; All EastjumperAnna-KateJarman; andthe Big South's Most Outstanding Athlete sprinter, ArdraSamuel
Women's Soccer
Highexpectations fadedinto alackluster seasonforthewomen's soccerteamas itfinishedwith a2-13record. Defensively, the Flames were a force to be reckoned with,but defensiveplaycouldnot lightup thescore board.
An invisiblebarrierseemed toloom infrontoftheFlames'goalbox,castingadarkshadow overthe season. In the second and third matches, the squad caged six goals.However, the "cling-wrap-wall" prevented every shot in the following 10 games from findingany net.
Injuriesand shutouts alsoplagued the Lady Flames, but giving up was not an option. The team played throughthe strugglesanddisappointmentswithapositive attitude.
To startthe ballrolling in the rightdirection,themen'ssoccerteam introduced the season with a quartet of victories. Some, conference competition broke up their stridesthroughouttheyear,butthe Flames talliedan11-6-2record.
The team's most threatening assetwas found inits well-balanced game. Liberty struckwithastrongoffenseand shielded with a strong defense;thisfirst-class combination was themajor part ofLiberty University's winning formula.
JoeLarson's skills between theposts won him aspot ontheAll-Conference First Team asthe Big South's most valuablegoalie.
Flames seniorJesseBarrington ended his collegecareerwith22totalassistsand claimed a shareofLiberty'sall-timeassist leader title. a si idle