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CfaU ^AM**
Accounting Society
The purposes of the LU Accounting Societyare to provide a setting for accounting majors to interact with each other and with faculty,to bring in speakers on accounting topics and careers and to build a sense of community among accounting majors through social functions.
TheAd Team
The Ad Team puts classroom experience to the crucial test in national competition This year's project was presenting Pizza Hut as more than just a place to carry out great pizza but also as a placeto come in and dine. The team was judged for its research, focus groups, creativityandpresentation skills. The judges "loved the stuff"the Libertystudentswere madeof.
Atpfia Lambda De/ta
An academic club for sophomores with a 3.5or abovegrade pointaverage, Alpha Lambda Delta sponsored serviceactivities such as visitation to Camelot Nursing Home and Presbyterian Children's Home Chapel.

TheAth/etic Trainers C/ub
The Athletic Training Club provides student athletes with aid in the prevention, assessment,treatment and rehabilitation ofathletic injuries.The athletic trainers club provided a place of social interaction and an opportunity for expanded learning through seminars and in-service meetings.
JoelConfinoandValerie Henderson.
Matt Uncapher, MattRedmer, StephanieBarnes, DanVollmer, Amanda Godshalland Eddie Burgess. Thirdrow: Mrs. Allyson Goodman, Jason McArdle, Anna KateJarman, KellyBogart, Keri Holliday, StaceyGuisewhiteand ShellyHetler. Frontrow: Micah Gaudio, TraceyClarkand JoshRice.
The Biology Club- Back row
Eric Wright, Rachael Mason,Micah Rabatille, Tim Gletcher,and Amy Hetrick Frontrow: Dr Sattler, ErinRierson, Katie Biggers, Craig Fisherand Heather Mason.
The Biology Club works to promote study in the field of biology, to encourage conservation awareness and stewardship in the environment and to participatein variousoutdooractivities
The Centerfor Youth Ministries and YouthGuest
The goal of the Center for Youth Ministries and YouthQuest is to"recruit, train and place professional youth leaders all over the world." Officers accomplished thisby providing newsletters,consulting,jobplacement, internships, specialprojects, forums, outreach teams, advisingand academic instruction.

C-9i Co/tege ffadio
From contemporary hits to rock alternative,from club to country, C-91 FM TheLight is a cutting edge student-run F M station. Affiliated with the 24hour national network, The Word In Music, C-91 trains students inprofessional Christian broadcasting while ministering to the entire community Visit www.liberty.edu/c91
Chamber Singers
\ Dr. Wayne Kompelien, Director
: The Liberty University j Chamber Singers isase-

J lect choral group composed mostly of music
J majors. Their engage- ments included Falland Spring recitalsatthe Pate
1 Chapel, area concerts, performances inthe Living Christmas Tree,an opera chorus for Opera
Roanoke© and a tourto New England Chora/e
\ R. Foiey, Director
1University Chorale under I thedirectionofProf.Ruth
' Foley is Liberty's largest choir. Each semester it performs one largesacred choral work from the great classical masters.
Performances included
I Handel's Messiah and Vivaldi'sGloria.
Coiiege ftepub/icans
An electionyear provided an exciting time for the
College Republicans. For thenationalelections,stu- dents campaigned for various congressmen,
Sen. John Warner and for Sen. BobDole inhis bid forthe presidency.
CollegeRepublicansElectionyear participation requiredmeetingsand more meetingsto prepare campaignsfor George Landrithandto inform Lynchburgvoters ofthe candidate's view.
Debate Team
The debaters went beyond classroom debate in preparing and participating in national competition. They had aunique opportunity to be a Christian witnessto theother debaterson the circuit. To hone team members' beating skills as ironsharpensiron; to learn the discipline of research; to put astute minds and wits against national collegiate competition

The Family and Consumer Science club informed FACS majors of possible job opportunities upon graduation in various fields. It enhanced the difference concentrations offered.
Fei/owship Choir
The ambitious goals of the choir include spreading the good news ofthegospel of Jesus Christthrough song and overcoming racial barriers to reach the world for him. The choir singsinconvocation, Sunday services, concerts and specialservicesat churches throughout the community.
tnternationaiStudent Association
The purpose of I.S.A. is to providean environmentof fellowship and interaction forinternationalstudents, helping them adjust academically and socially to theUnitedStates.
Kappa DeitaFi PtS/GMAChapter
Kappa Delta Pi is an International Honor Society in Educationthatemphasizes theidealsoffidelitytohumanity, science and service,while maintaining a Christianperspective Kappa
M u Fps/'/on
Kappa Mu Epsilon is a specialized honor society in mathematics Since its inception, the objective of KM E has been thefulfillment of itsmotto:to "develop an appreciation for the beauty of mathematics." The purpose of KM E is to furthertheinterests of mathematics in those schools which place their primary emphasis on the undergraduate program; to recognize and honor outstanding scholastic achievement of undergraduatestudentsin math-

They traveled to their audiences instead of their audiencescoming to them. The King's Players presented the gospel and moral values throughthe use of drama and ministered God's truth in the local churches.
Libeny Champion
The Liberty Champion gavestudents anopportunity to honetheir communication skillswhile providing students with the "scoop"of what washappening around campus. Published weekly, the Champion offered news, sports, featurestories and opinionarticles writtenby students for students. From special eventssuch as the Big South Tournament and Steve Forbes' appearanceto the minutia of campus life, theChampionrecordedLiberty life.

Libeny University Orchestra
This ensemble promoted classical music for the stringorchestra, educating bothplayers andaudience inthestandardorchestral repertoire.
LIGHT Ministries is the studentmissionsministry at Liberty University In the past 15 years LIGHT hasconducted 75 international evangelistic campaigns involving 2,500 students ministering to over two million people on six continents of the world. Theirpurposeis to presentmotivationalmissions programs through music, media and message

Music industry Cfub
The Music Industry Club was formed to builda networking system with studentspursuing careers in the Christian Music Industry and to help each other learn more about the industry Guestspeakers included artists, road managers, promoters and booking agents.
Clubs 153
Fsychofogy Cfub
The Psychology Club and PsiChi work together to make psychology majors aware of theopportunitiesand options in their field of study. The club sponsored special speakersonceamonth andorganized monthly field tripsto local institutions relatedto the field ofpsychology. Otherevents the clubs were involved in included Special Olympics, Habitatfor Humanity and community-related activities.

The purpose of Students ActiveforLifeand Truth
(SALT) was to educate students about abortion and its affect on Christians and society. SALT participatedin prayer for the end of abortion and made informationavailable to the student body through monthly meetingsandnewsletters.
Sigma TauDe/ta
An honors program for English majors, Sigma TauDeltapromotedscholasticpursuits and social events for Englishmajors.