1 minute read
By Lalie Lane
The spiritual leadership of this campus comprises many different roles.One important roleon thiscampus has always been theprayerleader order to be aleader.
After hallmeeting,students assembled intheirprayergroups tobediscipled,tobe encouraged in the Word of God, and to be prayed with by their prayer leaders.
Campus Pastor,Dwayne Carson hadmany goalsconcerningprayer leadersandthe leadershipposition thatthey held during the 19961997 schoolyear.His firstgoalwas thattheprayerleaderswould develop a closerpersonalwalk with the Lord.
The reason forhaving prayer leadersatLibertywastominister anddiscipleagroupof students during the school year."Iask themtolovethestudentsintheir prayer group,pray for them daily, praywiththem weekly, and disciplethem throughout the semester," Carsonsaid.
Therewerefourobjectivesthat PastorCarson had fortheprayer groups:thatthey have a timeof worship, give instruction from God'sWord, fellowshipwith, and encouragetheirfellowstudents.
Carson looked for many things when he considered someone for the prayer leader position. He lookedfor someone who was saved and someone who was a sanctified vessel. He searchedfor someone who led and lived a godly life because actions speaklouderthan words.He also sought for someone with blameless character and for the willingness to sacrifice in Campus PastorDwayne Carsonmet weeklywith SLDsto preparethemto beeffective leaders.
Mike Stanziola, a junior and aprayer leaderforthree years, felt that God called him to serve as a prayer leader. He wanted his prayer group to see that he also failed and made mistakes and did not expect them to be perfect. His goal was to see his group grow closerto God.
Mike said, "Iwanted to encourage them to tell others abouttheir faith, memorize scripture,read God's Word sincerely and to be openwithme sothatIcould pray forthem.Together we saw God's power work mightily in answering prayer.
Mike recalled, "Being a prayer leader helped me to see what was important in life. Isaw thatnext to God, the greatest goal oflifewas toimpactothersand toteach them todiscipleas theyhave been been discipled."