1 minute read
A TimetoPrayfortheNation
By Lalie Lane
Only one reason could have pulled hundreds ofLiberty students out oftheirbeds at7 a.m. Thatreasonwas theannual "See You at thePole."It gavestudents theopportunity to pray for their high schools, churches, unsaved loved ones and thefutureof this nation. Studentssacrificedsleep to intercede on the nation'sbe- halfand toaskGod's face for revival
Mark Hodges from Canton, Ohio, said, "I feel really burdened for ourcountry. Ialso like how the prayergroupswerebroken up intoeachstate."
Akemi Okamoto from Anaheim, Calif.,agreed and said, "There's a realneed to pray for the youth on theWestCoast."
Although the prayerburdens differed, everyone united toask God to touch lives."Ithinkit's most important to pray for the churchesbecause Christiansare the ones who must lead thenation," stated Mike Sadzinski of Williamstown,Mass
What effect did "See You at the Pole" have on your life?
Randy Hogue's heart-touching sermons caused many tocome forwardin repentance and reflection