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GphHuat GtnpxfasH Champions inTraining
By Corrinne Negley
A week that focused on changeresultedin dozensof studentsmakingsalvationdecisions, as evangelist Randy Hogue headed up theyear'sfirst Spiritual Emphasis Week
Hogueprompted complacent Christians to revive theirsouls with the passion of the Lord. Hogue, a wellknownevangelist, had aspecialministryto Generation X.
Hisburden was tosee unbelievers come to know Christ, and forGod's people totrulyrepent of theirlethargyandindifference that hesaidsaturates the church.
CharlesBillingsly, the former singerof contemporaryChristian musicgroup"Newsong,"opened with songsof praise.
"Before students could changetheirworld,theyfirsthad to changetheir own lives,"CampusPastorDwayne Carson said. "The bottom linewas that alot of lives werechanged."
The week of revival-oriented meetings was bolstered by a great deal of student prayer.
"RAs, prayer leaders and spiritual life directors saw prayers answered,"Carsonsaid.
"Theprayersupportthat had been going on forseveralweeks played abig part."
Aftertheservices, it wasnot uncommon to see a group of people huddled together praying "The enthusiasm of the dorms when one of theirhall mateswere saved wasunbelievable," Carsonsaid.
Though Liberty continually emphasized spiritual growthin students,thesetwospecialweeks specificallydesignated eachyear encouraged the studentsto grow closertothe Lord.Billingsly returnedin the springwithspeaker Jay Strack.
Left:Randy Hogue preached tothecrowd.Below:Libertystudents were so impressed withthemusicaltalentofCharles Billingslythatstudents asked him toreturnin thespring.FarBelow:Beforeeach meeting, studentsgathered throughouttheVines Centertodedicatetheserviceto God.