1 minute read
CfihMcrti&h A TimetoPraise
By LalieLane
Students obeyed the commandment "...ye shall have a holy convocation" (Numbers 28:26) everyMonday,Wednesday and Friday. Convocation opened withatimeofpraiseandworship ledby AssistantCampusPastor, Eric Lovett.
The students then heard a message from one of the many speakers invited toLiberty University from alloverthe worldto inspirestudentswith their testimonies and encouragingwords.
Christianbroadcasterandculture criticPat Robertson visited Liberty for the first time.In a speechfrequentlyinterruptedby applause,Robertson presented his viewsonthe battlefor the soul 24 NotAshamed ofAmerica and explained how Libertystudents havethe opporLiberty students can become in- tunityto make adifferenceinthe volved. "In America,40 years ago world because of the training we were considered aChristian country. Thereneverwould have been the necessity to pass the Defenseof Marriage Act "Weknew whatthe standards weresupposed to be," Robertson said."We knew when we were doing something wrong. There was amoral consensus."
Studentswerealsochallenged by many of the speakers. Convocationwasatimefor the students togatherasone body and focus on thetruemeaning of life.
EveryWednesday,Dr.Falwell inspired the students to be, "Championsfor Christ." Hesaid they received in their college years.