1 minute read
By Timothy Gibbons& JulieCozby
PromiseKeepersinvaded Liberty's campus duringthe Fallwithone goalin mind— to mold men into godlyleaders, husbandsand fathers.
More than 6,000 men attended the conferencedespiteinterference from Hurricane Fran, making it thelargestsuch event tobe heldin Virginia during 1996. Featured speakers includedDr. E.V. Hill;E. GlennWagner,vicepresidentof PromiseKeepers;andLiberty'sown Sam Rutiglianoand Dr. Jerry Falwell.
WillClark ofNebraska attended the event tohearDr. E.V. Hill. He commented,"I knew thatthe speakerswould begood and the atmosphere here wasverypositive."
Above:Men gatheredin theVine'sCenterto pray. Right:Dr.E. V.
I was one ofthe featuredspeakers
Promise Keepers, formed by former Colorado State University
FootballCoach Bill McCartney,seeksto see men beginto keeptheirpromisesto God thoughtheir localchurches and communities.