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RallyRevives Weary Students
By StacyFletcher
Jesusis what? ...AWESOME!Without fail every Tuesdayand Thursdaymorning,thispopularphrase announced the beginningof Dr. Danny Lovett'sevangelism class. Threeyearsago, the Jesusis Awesome rally was born out of the enthusiasm of this class Therallieshavefeaturedguestspeakersto reviveand inspirestudentsthroughout the semester.
Therallyencouraged studentsduringa dryspell of college lifeby uplifting them. Dr.Lovett can be counted on to givestudentsthat extrapush in thenwalk with theLord He was excitedfor this "opportunityto encourage students."
"The rally really encouraged me," said sophomore BonniePond "It helped me to get focused and perseverefor the rest of the semester."
ThisyearPastorJohnny Hunt from First Baptist Church of Georgia came to Libertyto rallystudents for Jesus. Students received a practical life application message onhow to survivecollege with allits ups and downs while keepingtheirfocuson how awesome Jesus reallyis. Hunt's message exhorted Christiansto purify themselves so that Jesus can be more alive withintheir lives.
"IfJesus isalive saidAustin Rammell, coordinatorof the Jesus is Awesomerally.