2 minute read
WtttM it»p*d Coh(azhct Making MajorDecisions
By LalieLane
The world came toLiberty Mountain duringWorld Impact Conference.DeMoss Hall was full of missionaries who have served in many parts of the world,including Asia, Central Africa, Europe, Mexico, and South America. They came to share their time,love, testimoniesand heartswithLibertystudentsin theclassroom andduring theThursday night FOCUS meetings
Students also heard guest speakers during Convocation and campuschurch. MikeMcintosh gave his testimony,spoke about sacrificeand shared how the Lord used him during the 32 Not Ashamed
Oklahoma bombing.
Jim O'Neill,Liberty's missions director, feltblessed and encouraged by what hesaw. He waspleasedwiththe connection between Mcintosh and the students. He statedthatin the past twoyears 600students have answered acall to missions. "During the conference,Iexpecttosee our students fallmore in love withthe Lord of the harvest and toseetheworld through a new set of eyes."
O'Neil wanted students to hear what some leaders sacrificedinordertobeevangelists, and to be challenged with what sacrifices they might have to make in the future.
Nathan Harden said, "I was quiteinspiredbythe testimonies of the missionaries. Just hearing about how alltheseChristians are dyingfor the samecauseI'm livingfor is verymotivating."
The results of this year's World Impact Conference were life changing to some of the students.
"World Impact Conference renewed the desireinmy heart to give the gospel toeveryone. It showed me theimportance of doing now what Ihope to do in the futureconcerningmissions," LacieHensleysaid.
Not wanting to miss a word, Derrick Dickenstooknotes as he listened tothe missionary representatives poster highlighted the needsfor missionaries with Deaf Missions International Left: Mike Mcintosh challenged Liberty studentstoreach the world forChrist.

At Liberty University, there aremany opportunitiesto evangelize theworld. Ministryteams such as Light and YouthQuest went on various mission trips throughout the year.Students had the opportunity tominister and returned excitedaboutwhat theyhad seenGod do.
Dr. David Towles,a Spanish professorat LU, ledateam of 15 Liberty students who had been preparing formonths to go to El Salvadorin May of 1996. Thestudentsraisedsupportandlearned some basicsofthelanguagebefore their trip.
Using traditionalwitnessing tools in the communities they
SteppingOut onFaith
Qtnnnlnn Hi it nn Poith f
By Corrinne Negley
ministered an average of 13 hours aday and wereable to see salvation and rededication decisions.
While Dr. Towles' team servedin El Salvador,Libertystudent Cheryl Himelick did her summer missions internship in Eastern Europe. "Inever knew there was such a great need for missionsin Europe,"she said.
Himelick spent the summer touring France,Italy and Germany, spreadingthe gospel with a mission organization called UnitedForeignMissions thatshe heard aboutthrough Liberty.

Himelick was involved ina widevarietyof ministries during her timein Europe. She presented the gospel on sketchboards, passed out tracks in the local marketplaces,and shared her testimony bothonthe streetsand in churches.
The UFM team also had the privilege of starting a weekend retreat very similar toVacation Bible School.
Othercampaignsthroughout theyear included tripsto India, Mexico, China, Puerto Rico, Morroco, Hong Kong, Austria, Hawaii, Philippines, Argentina and Paraguay,El Salvador and Jamaica.
Throughexperienceslikethis, Liberty students practiced the GreatCommission
Left:Lightteam member Billy Rollinstooktimeoutwiththe childrenaftera gospel presentation in the PhilippinesinMay-June 1996.Below: Alfred Burgessand a Lightteam member rode an elephant inIndiain November 1995.
"Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even send I you."
John 20:21
FarAbove:YouthQuest team members ministered in Brazil duringtheLightCampaign in May 1996. Above:Missionary kids opened gifts brought bytheLight team inMorocco during Spring Break 1996