2 minute read
FaithfulServantand Teacher
By Justus Bruno
Sunday schoolis hisspecialty. He teachesit, studies it, promotes it, and writes about it. Dr.Elmer L. Towns, aleadingauthorityin church growth and Sunday school outreach among evangelicals, draws from his experience as the Sunday school teacher at Thomas Road BaptistChurch,one ofthelargestclasses in thecountry, totell othersoftheimportanceofastrong Bible-based Sunday school
He has been involved with training champions at Libertysinceits inceptionin 1971. He assistedDr. Jerry Falwellat thefounding oftheuniversity. Today, heis a respected theology professor with one the largest classes on campus.Aside from his knowledge ofthe Bible, studentsappreciated his humor and theencouragement hegivesastheymade decisionsaboutcareers, life and love. For thesereasons, the 1997 Selah is dedicated tothework ofthis faithfulservantDr. Towns.
As the author of more than 70 books, what one book is yourfavorite?
Probably the one thatgives me the mostsatisfactionorhappinessis TheGospel OfJohn: BelieveAnd Live becauseitis thestudyof the Bibleword byword There is alot of new materialinthisbook thatis notfound in any other commentary on John;itis, basically,pure vintage Elmer Towns.John 1:1, "Inthebeginning was theWord,and theWord was with God and the Word was God." That's the greatestthing about the Gospel ofJohn. John isthe greatestbook of the Bible,and I wanted tocallmy book, The Greatest Bookof The Bible, but the publishers would not hear of it. They said, "No, it sounds likeyou're talkingabout your book,"
I said, "No, John: The Greatest Book of The Bible." They would not name itthat.
I'm disappointed tothis day.
How have your teaching methods changed to reach the diversih/ ofthe studentbody ?
I think the original vision of Liberty was topros duce champions for Christ. Idon't think that vision % has changed.
Now, Iseemy primary focusofministryis the stu- dents—to make them more spiritual, more godly and to evangelize them The students represent the churches and the churches have changed; they are sending usadifferentkind ofstudentthan they didin pastyears
Wliat would you want to be said about you in your autobiography?
Rather than an autobiography let's say, "What would I liketohave put on my tombstone?" I would notliketo have puton it,Mr. Sunday School. Probably just Elmer L. Towns and you could add the phrase, "He was faithful."Iwould liketobe known asfaithful. Iwould like for students to know that there isa person who lives by principles that come from the Word ofGod. Ithink thatmost students liveby their feelings.They love God deeply,but Iwish that they could learntolive byprinciples.
Whenever you sign a Bible for someone, I often see you sign1Tliessalonians 5:24. Why?
Inmy junioryearincollege, Ihad broken, whatI considered,a seriousrule; others would not consider it serious. As I was walking across the campus tothe dean'sofficewith my bestbuddy,Herb Dickinson,he said to me, "Elmer,don't worry about it. Has God called you intothe ministry?"
Then he said, "How do you know it?"
Isaid, "I know God calledme."
He then said to me, "Remember what the Bible says,'Faithfulis he thatcallethyou thatalsodo it.'"
"If God hascalledyou, hewilldo it.God willwork it out."
"I justreached out and grabbed thatverse It became God's assurancethatHe has calledme intoministry."
Wliat is your goal for a Liberty graduate?
Iwould have them tobe grounded intheWord. I would hope they would have a love fortheWord of God,theology and Ihope would be committed tothe localchurch.