1 minute read
By Elizabeth Ovenshire
Barbara Boothe, Liberty's registrar since 1977, oversees the permanent academic recordsofall students. She alsofunctionsas theReportsCoordinatorfortheStateCouncilofHigherEducation.
Barbara graduated from Libertywith a BS and M A degree.She not only usesher degreeshereatLiberty, shealsovolunteers toteachaparentnuTturingclassforthePreventionCenterforChildAbuseandNeglect and facilitates a divorce support group throughher church.
Understanding each student'ssituation isimportanttoherand sheurgesher staff toremember thateach person who entersthedoororcallsby phone isthere tobe patiently helped.She strivestobe sureeach person leaveswith helpful informationbutalsowithasmileon theirface
Evelyn Tomlin
By Rachael Mason
Everyone knows Evelyn Tomlin as the friendly woman intheBusinessOffice,butdidyou know that in her 23 years at Liberty she has taken very few vacations?Shedoesnotwant tobe seenasthe "Bill Collector" but as a very sensitive person who's greatestdesireis toservetheLord.
Mrs.Tomlin'schildrenall graduated from LCA, and two ofher daughters continued on to Liberty. Shehasalsobeenafaithfulmember ofTRBC for31 years.
What does awoman who works from 7:30 a.m.to9p.m. everyday do forfun?Sheloves to spend time with her grandchildren, and shewalks intheVinesCenter. Also, sheenjoys reading; her favorite authors are Hannah WhitallSmith and Max Lucado
This faithfulAccounts Receivable Supervisor says she does it allfor thestudents She isvery content and happy with herjob. She is trulyan example of what a strong work ethic and good heartcan accomplish