1 minute read
Dean Dane Ernerick
By ScottHarrison
Dean Dane Emerick has been a constant fixtureon the campussinceits beginning. DeanEmerickoriginally studied to be achefbeforegoing intofull time ministry in 1968. He attended Washington BibleCollege and started pastoring youth in his hometown of Altoona, Pennsylvaniain 1973. Atthe age of 30, Dean Emerick married hiswifeJoan, and soon after be ganseminaryat LynchburgBaptistSeminary. Dean Emerickhas fourchildren, Dana,Nathan, Kira and Tina.
Besides his ministry here at Liberty,Dean Emerick hasbeen activeatThomas Road BaptistChurchfor 18 years, coachingdramafor the youth department and teaching on Wednesday nights. He hashelped leadmission trips to the Ukraine,Russia and Jamaica. Dean Emerick'spersonalityand the way hedealswith students havemade him aconfidantand friendto many on campus. Hisloyaltyand perseverancethrough many of his trials haveshown him to beatrue heroof the faith.