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Dr. JosephMix
By Heather Parr
Two years ago, Dr. Joseph Mix set aside his careerindentistry tocome toLiberty toteach in the department ofhealthsciences. He hadbeen in private practice forover 15years,andhadtaught at Farleigh Dickenson University prior tohis move to Lynchburg. Dr.Mix said, "I'mhere becauseI want tobe,andfelt thatthe Lord wasleading me away from my practice."
As a professor, Dr.Mixhelps students to understandthat, eveninhealthprofessions, thereare opportunitiesforministry. Healsoencouragesstudents to participate inshort-term missions campaigns."People arehurting inmany partsof the world ... it opens up doors spiritually," he said.
Dr. Mixandhiswife, Lynne, have been married for16years and have three children. He quoted Revelation 21:4ashisfavoriteverse becauseofthereassuranceit givestoallbelievers.
Dr. James Borland
By Justus Bruno
Dr. James Borland has been at Liberty since 1977.During thistime, hehas taught in all areasofOld andNewTestamentaswellas theology andtextual criticism.
Inaddition, Borland is thepastor ofBerean Baptist Church inLynchburg where hecan be found playing his violin, hishobby for more than 40 years.
In what free time he has,Borland enjoys mentoring students toprepare them for the ministry.He isalso theformer presidentof theEvangelicalTheologicalSocietyand now serves asthe secretary-treasurer ofthat organization.
Dr.Borland attributesmuch ofwhat he haslearned toDr.Marchant King, one of his professorsatLosAngelesBaptistCollege. He andhiswife, Cheryl, have six children.
Right:Students waitedin thebusiness office line duringfinancialcheckin beforethefall semester.