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Uht-up xt IAJ
Students Learned Patience
By Rachael Mason
What did students spend mostof theirtimedoingthisyear at Liberty? For some it was studying, others sleeping, but the time spent waiting in lines was universal.Whether it was forfood, mailorregistration, all LU students eventually spent time in lines.
Yet, it didn't take students long to realize that waiting in lineswas simply a factoflife. It really didn't matter if it was on campus or not, waiting inlines was evidentthroughoutLynchburg.
Whether it was at Wal-Mart, Movies 10, fast-fooddrive thru's or Krogers,all produced what seemed likenever endinglines.
Junior Robin Miller said, "Everywhere Igo around here, I feellikeI have towait inlines. I cango in themorning, afternoon oreveningand stillhave to wait Inever knew Lynchburg had so many people!"
Creativity soared when students tried tofind somethingto do to pass the time wating in lines. Activities ranged from studying for classes tocatching up on last weekend's activities withfriends.