1 minute read
By Lalie Lane
ProfessorAnn Wharton came to teachin thefall of1983 when thejournalism major wasfirststarted. Sincethen, shehas helped toexpand thecommunications department She currentlyteaches upper levelwriting and graphics courses and isadministrative supervisorofthenewspaper and theyearbook.
She strives todo herbestpreparing studentsto "turnthe corner" and applywhattheyhavelearned. "Icallthem aha! moments becausetheybeginto enjoythecreative processand theybegin to understand theirGod-givenpotential."
Inlife, hergreatestreward isherfamily. Shewas alreadyestablished inher careerwhen she married Jim Wharton,a widower with fourchildren. She rejoices inraisingthem and being a good role model tothem and herGod-given grandchildren.
Shebelieves thatstudentsmustbetrainedtobethe salt ofthe earthand thelight oftheworld."Ibelieve inGod'sdailypresence withus; whetherornotwe givehim room to work inourlivesis up to us. I want to helpbuildthis confidenceinmy students."