1 minute read
fdubu* plenty Dr. Homer B/ass
By Kristina Cabalo
Dr.Blassis the head ofthe history and government departments of the External Degree Program He has been teaching history for about 30 years,13 of which have been spent here atLiberty.
Beforecoming toLiberty,BlasstaughtinasmallBaptistcollege in Missouri He and his wife,Linda,heard aboutLibertyUniversitythroughwatching theOld Time Gospel Hour.
Along with his knowledge of history he isalso an avid collectorofbooks, owning approximately 24,000 volumes. But, he cannot strayfarfrom history.Most ofhisbooks deal with people and situations inhistory and government.
Family isimportant toBlass,foritrelatesdirectly with hisfavoriteverse, John 3:16 We areall apart ofGod's family. And thisphilosophy goes along with his favorite story of the Good Samaritan. Well, this"shortrun pessimist and long runoptimist," believes that everything will work out with God's long term plans. God isin controlof thepast, present, and future