1 minute read
Dr. Sandra Matthes
By Rachael Mason
Since 1976, Dr. Sandra Matthes has served as a professor in the Music Department. She teachesfour music theoryclasses.
Dr. Mattheshastwo children,who graduated from Liberty, and four grandchildren. Matthes' husband, Dr. Lloyd Matthes,is also a Liberty professor teaching mathematics.
When asked what shelikes to do inherspare time, she responded, "When you are ateacher, you do nothavesparetime; althoughIfindtime to watch my favorite sport, football."Inaddition, she is a member oftheCollege Music Society, dean oftheAmerican Guild ofOrganists, and doeseditorialwork for publisherssuchas PrenticeHall and William C.Brown.
Dr. Mattheswantstoinfluenceherstudents to serve the Lord through music. She also works toraisetheirskill levelso thattheyare betterequipped toserve theLord intheir field.