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NetworkingfortheFuture r

By Laura Sipple

Internships To the freshman, thisword may mean hard workat Utile or no pay.However, theseniorknows thatinternshipsare essentialfor gettingjobsaftergraduation.

RondaNoakes,a businessmarketingmajor,spenthersummer at StarSongCommunications.Ronda tracked theartiststo seehow their musicwassellingin bookstores,attended planning meetings forthe Newsboys falltour, and assisted with promotionalmailings.

Interning provides students opportunitiesto network, and opportunities to learn. "Internships aretotallyhands on," said Ronda. "When you're faced with real life situations,you seehow people react who havebeen intheindustry for many years, and you gain their wisdom."

JoshHowe,a communications studies major,chose to intern at KULR TV, Channel8, in his hometown of Billings,Montana. His maindutiesincludedmterviewing, reporting, editing, and producing sportsfor nightlynewscasts.

Learningconfidencewasa part ofthetask "I saw what it takes to make itin the job market,and Ifeel that Imeet those standards," he said.He also learned the importance of deadlines and how to work under that pressure.

Ted Williams,a music major, decided to internat Grove Avenue BaptistChurch inRichmond, Virginia.Not only did he plan and lead the morning contemporary musicservice,healsoleadrehearsals for thepraiseteam singersand band,directedthe youthchoirand sang intheadult choir.

Anne Clay, alsoa communicationsstudiesmajor, interned with JAARS,formerlyknown as Jungle AviationAnd RepairService, a divisionofWycliffeBibleTranslators in Wakhaw, North Carolina.She said, "Thisinternship was perfect as it exposed me to missions work and the types of people Iwillbe workingwithin Bibletranslation."

While there,Anne wrote for two publications, Beyond and Momentum. She keptbusy interviewingmissionaries and guests, writingstoriesand pressreleases, and preparing fortheTri-annualBible Conference.

7776? Educators of Tomorrow

By Joanna Tedder

Student teaching isa unique experience all education majors must endure before embarking into the "real world." Most Liberty students complete their student teaching in the Lynchburg area; however, some students choose togo overseas tomission schools.

DeniseDavistaughtthirdand fifth gradein Forest, Virginia. She recalled,"Iwas excited tobebe- ginning the last stage of college, butIwas apprehensivebecauseI did notknow what would beexpected of me."

Student teachers learned to work both with other teachers inthefield, and how todevelop relationships with their students

"I found it interesting the thingsthatthestudents respond to," Scott Blackburn said.Scott completed his student teaching assignmentteachingeighthgrade English.

Each student teacher isassigned to an experienced cooperatingteacherwho supervisesthe activities in the classroom. Heather Earley, who also taught eighth grade English, said that studentteachersmust beflexible by, "keepingwhat'sworking and throwing away what'snot."

FarAbove:Theintricatedesignofthis dinosaur'seyeindicatedtheexistenceofthe Designer Above:Themuseum displayedthe "evidence"forevolutionandprovided a scientific rebuttal.

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