1 minute read
By Justus Bruno
The CreationMuseum at LibertyUniversityis adisplayof the University'sbeliefin theGenesis account ofcreation. The director of the museum, Dr. TerrySpohn, is Dean of Artsand Sciences. Dr. Spohn,along with hisstaffhave assembled exhibitsthatare scientificin nature and yet gives the lay person ammunition for his beliefs. The exhibitswere on loan to the museum from Christian scientistsall over theworld. The Museum is the second largestof its kind. As a complement tothe museum,the University brought in suchrecognizedCreationistsas Dr. Henry Morris and Dr. Dwayne Gish to enhancethe students'course work.
Dr. Spohn reminded us of Galatians 2:20, "We work for Christand thevision(of Liberty) is correctand God given. Thebest days of Liberty are yetfuture."
Although,themuseum doesnot havea budget,it survivesas alivingmemorialbecauseof personal sacrifices made by Dr. Spohn and Professor Gordon Wilson.