1 minute read
Research, Research, Research
By Justus Bruno
The ultimate place for socializing, homework and even research, thenewand improved Liberty University Library opened itsdoors with twenty first century electronic information.
The informationdeskand checkoutareaisvery spacious, which makes it invitingtostudents. The $60,000revamping costdidn'tonly go towardsrearrangingfurniture. More ProQuestmachines,and CD-ROM databaseswere added. These databases included information thatwould bebeneficialto a variety of majors,including English,psychology, nursing, education andbiblical studies.
The added internetaccessbroughtthetwo computer terminals toten and allofthem were connected toprinters. Studentswere abletotapinto a slew ofknowledge-filled websightssplatteredin cyber-space. Research orinformation finding became easierand better.
Computers were not theonly way to do research.LU ishome to 278,000 books) and over 1,200 periodicalssubscribedto annually. The library'sareaofspecialty, ofcourse, is inbiblical studies.
The Dynix filingterminalswere amodern additiontothe card catalogue.
The newlibraryheld themost books and periodicalsinthearea. The libraryalsoprovided avarietyofplacestostudy: tables, study cubicles,and even aquietroom IDs were still required
Right: Studentsworked together on theirscience labprojects.
Below:The librarytookon a whole new lookwiththeadditionof computers.