1 minute read
By Lalie Lane
Qualifying for the honors program is quite an achievement. Only 113 students at Liberty claimed the distincttitleofbeing an honor student inthe 1996-1997 schoolyear. The requirements and standards for this program reflected true academic excellence.
Entering freshmen and transfer students must have an SAT score of at least 1200 or an ACT score of28, two lettersof recommendation,a high school GPA of at least a 3.5, ranking in the top ten percent ofhisor her classand completed a three-to-fivepageessay.
A resident student must have a GPA of3.675 orabove, have two letters of recommendation and write a three-to-five page essay. Once a student gains acceptance in the honors program,he or she must maintain at least a GPA of 3.5 in allclasses.
Scholarships offered through the honors program are based upon the student's GPA with amounts ranging from $1,800$5,400. A student can earn up to $18,000inscholarships during the four-year period.
As director ofthe honorsprogram, Dr.James Nutter said one of the most rewarding aspects is seeing students continue their education in medical, law and other graduate schools.He also commented, "Liberty'sbudgetfor the honors program scholarships shows itsconcern for high academics."
Students agreed thatthehonors program has its benefits. Sophomore Jeremy Brightbill commented, "I'm thankful that the school provides thisopportunity for more in-depth studies. There isa little bitmore work involved,but the benefits faroutweighit."