1 minute read
W«*e Up!
Riseand Shine; Give God the Glory
Oh my word...every section isfull, except the 8 a.m. Let's see...extra sleep/graduate on time...extra sleep/graduate on time. Decisions, decisions.
Okay, so you choose the lesser of two evils. Wake up at anunthinkablehourandgraduate on timerather thanthree extra hoursofsleepaweek.Good plan! Or was it?
If you are one of the many beautiful "godly" women,then yourtrustyalarmclockblared at 6:20 a.m. on the dot. That gave you just enough time to press snooze once and still getready ontime. Let's see, of course, first there's the shower; thenit's time to pickout thatperfectensemble. Hmmm , maybe a long skirt
By Hannah Withem
paired up with that black sweater ...perfect.
Okay, now it's 7:15, makeup time. Whew,suchstress, and all the whileyourstomachis growling becauseyouoptednot to get upat 5:45 in orderto havebreakfastontime. Despitethe growls, you must concentrate.It's hair time. It's 7:30 soyou have anywherefrom20-23minutes. Good luck Oh, and if it's MWF, forget about any extratime for touchups.
Now, ifyou'reone of Liberty's outstanding young men, you have awhole otherlist of problems. Does"Bedhead"sound familiar? Let's see...that alarm clock rang atabout 7:25. If you rolledout of bed, withouthitting thesnooze more than once,youhaveplenty oftime fora shower, but that'snearly impossible with an 8 o'clock.You finally made it outof bedat aboutaquarter 'till, grabbed numerous pieces from yesterday's outfit, quickly pulled out a random tie, and you were off. Not bad, three minutes to spare, plenty of time to get to DeMoss.
Gottalovethose 8o'clocks.
77/776? /<?/* the All-Niters
By Hannah Withem
At Liberty there were two types of students.First, there were those who worked hard yearround and used finals as a break (ha-ha), orthere are those that took a break allyear and fumbled to pull it all together in fourshort days.
Finalsweek was known for stress no matterwhat approach students took toit. It's a week packed fullof crazy studying, junk food, acne, and absolutely no sleep. Forgettryingtofinda tableinthe library, noway. Findingatable at Percival'sIsle was out as well.No need foralarm clocks, there'sno time to sleep. The week turned out to be almost a competition to see who couldgothemosthourswithout sleep.It'senough to set Juan Valdez and hisdonkey for life. (PapaJohnsknowsthewaytoo)

Now if thestudent was one ofthose who stressedall semester, hetendsto get fedup bythe time finals rolled around and just breezes through themwithout cracking a book.The thing was, he doesn't need to,he'd studied all year!
The final week of the semester was notjust atimeforwork but a time forbonding. There's a chance tospend alot oftime with people you otherwise wouldn't. Study groups ran rampant. It'sthe only time of year when all school work and allsocializingcollideintoonebig escuela fiesta!
Top left: "I want tosee our spiritual and academic missions strengthened so thatour students willgo home motivated to make adifference inthe world,"said Dr JerryFalwell

Above right: The new God Save America Ralliesbroughtanother opportunitytofocusattentionon theneed forrevivalin theland.
Center right: Dr. Falwell introduced ustoa worldof religiousand political leaders
Below left: Crowd surfingfrom thebottom tothetopofthe Vines,Dr.Falwellfound hecould depend onus