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A Leader,aMentorShapesa UniversityanditsStudents
By JenniferPillath
Dedication. Strength. Commitment. Compassion. The mind conjuresupall sorts of descriptions when the word "leader" is mentioned. Rarely do leaders combine allof these traits in their leadership qualities. However, throughhis work withstudentsand faculty, Dr. A. PierreGuillermin has exhibited all of thesetraits plusmany others.
A leaderhastheabilityto affectacampus positivelyor negatively. Through speakingin convocation and participating in classes, Dr. Guillermin was able to be apositiveexample for Liberty students. Although his position included many demanding responsibilities, the president'sfavoriteaspectof his jobwas gettingtoknow the students.
Dr. Guillermin had little spare time thisyearbecausethe SouthernAssociationof Colleges and Schoolsreviewed Liberty for re-accreditation.
Many suggestions were made forimprovement of the campus "We don't have to respond to all the suggestions," the president said, "but itis our practice.
"Our goalsincluderecruiting more staff members, expanding the technology, and expanding the library holdings," Dr. Guillermin said.
Although Dr. Guillermin enjoyed travel, most of his free time was consumed by the SACS renewal process.
Besides these changes, Dr. Guillermin had to deal with a personalbattle.Afterhavinghis second heart surgery theprevious year, Dr. Guillermincontinued his work on campus. In fact, he became more activewith the meetings andresponsibilities of hisposition "It's easierthe second time," he said inreference tohis operation.
Hisextratimewas also filled witha varietyof activities.Along withaninterestin jazzmusic,Dr. Guillermin enjoyed playing the saxophone. Biking was also a relaxing pastime forLiberty's president.
Before working with Dr. JerryFalwell, Dr Guillermin was thepresidentof Southern MethodistCollege. In1967, he began working withFalwellministries.
Dr. Guillermin's education had prepared him for the position atLiberty Appointed by formerPresidentBushas a Presidential Advisor on Education, Dr Guillermin served on the President's National Advisory
Council on Educational Researchand Improvement. Hehas travelledextensivelythroughout Europe,the Middle East,and the Far East addressing issuesand trendsinhighereducation
He has also served as aLecturer atOxford University, Advisor to theShiloah Centerfor Middle Eastern andAfricanAffairs ofTel Aviv University, and asanEducationalConsultantto the countries ofRussia, Romania, Hungary, Japan andthe Republic ofChina.Dr. Guillermin holds the Bachelor ofArts in Telecommunications, the Master of Artsin Religionand Doctorof Educationdegrees.
His diverse educational background includes studies at Nova Southeastern University, Central Michigan University, University of Virginia and Harvard University.
Through theyears,hehas seennumerous changesoncampus: thesize of the studentbody, the construction of the campus, and the number of faculty members.Dr.Guillermin stated that the characterof the studentbody had changed as well."Thereisa higher level and quality of studentsnow," he said.
President Guillermin remainsamandevoted to the campus. Work is hishobby,and the students arehis priority.