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A/ashv/i/eComes toLynohhurg

By Laura M. Sipple

The music was bold andclear: from softmelodies to '90s alternative. Yettheministry and message were thesame:reaching ageneration lookingfor answersanddirection onlyfound in Christ.

Geoff Moore and theDistance hit things off performing their "Home Run" tour.Lead singer GeoffMoorechallengedstudentsto standup for Christ,nomatterwhat thecost He said,"Ihavepeopleand lovedoneswho don'tknowChrist.

If I'm only faithfulwhen its easy, these people are never going to come to Christ.Whatever ittakesI willbefaithfulthisismy vow."

Numerous Dove Award winnersPointof Graceand 4-Himperformed from their latestreleases "Life, Love and Other Mysteries" and "The Message." Denise Jones fromPointof Gracesaid,"We want our livesto showthattheGod we're singingaboutisreal. Ijusthope we willalways be an encouragement toothers."

4-Him group member Marty Mageheesharedwiththe audience concerningtheirmissionofspreadingthe gospel. "We'vegotto watch eachother'sbacks,becausewithin thismission thereis a roaringenemy thatroarsvery quietlysometimes. You have to be on guard. Sometimes you can't seehim. You havetomakesureyournight-vision gogglesare working."

Gospel group Anointed appeared on October 26, which was declared "Anointed Day" by the Mayor of Lynchburg.Theyalso exclusivelyreleasedtheirlatestalbum, 'Under theInfluence."Scott Krippayne added to the evening performingsongsfromhis sophomore release, 'WildImagination."

Wrapping things up were Cindy Morgan, Michael O'Brien andTuesday'sChild.WithO'Brien's nomination for 1996 Dove Award forNew ArtistoftheYearandthe success ofhis sophomore release, "Conviction," he certainly knows the meaning of accomplishment. However, he doesn'tlookat itthat way.

"Successisonlyachieved when youarewhereGod wantsyoutobe. We tend toplaceemphasis on our agenda,not God's Thafswhen we mustseekGod and ask himspecificallywherehewantsusto be."

He challengedstudentstoknow the measureofGod'sgracepersonally. "God iswillingto use eachand everyoneof you as longas youare willingto beused."

Cindy Morgan captivated the audiencewithsongsfromher latest album,"Listen." Sheaskedthe studentbody to prayfor heras wellas otherartists tokeep theirfocuson God andhis workand servingGod and his people.

Right:Friendsstucktogether even onrollerblades. Far right: Itwas besttoskate in a groupjustincaseyou needed afriendtokeep you on yourfeet.

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