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CM Win Lilaty Queen SharesHer LifeChangingStory
Katarina Terzic,who was chosen to wear thetitle of Miss Liberty, hasatestimonythat she iseager to share, with the motive of spreadingthe hopeof the Gospelof Jesus Christ.
Shewasbornin a communist countrywithanatheistic culture to a family who knew nothing about Jesus.She emulated her father, a well-known physicist, by following his belief in evolution, denying theexistence of a Sovereign God.
More than fouryearsagoas
Katarinawas walking down the streetsof Belgrade, Yugoslavia, she was overwhelmed withthe emptiness in her life. She came to a church and went inside
By Deborah Barbee
Watching the others kneel and pray, shesaidto herself, "I wish Iknew more about God." The Lord was listening, and answered her prayer.
Thefollowingyear, Katarina found herselfin Lynchburg. She had come only to visit her brother, but the Lord had planned this to be a visit that would changeherlife. She testifies to the promisemadeby God in Jeremiah29:13, "It wasat LibertywhereI soughtGod with all my heart, and it was at Liberty where Ifound him."
Hundreds of miles from home and knowing noEnglish, Katarina found Liberty tobe a lonely place, but the Lord used this time to draw her closeto
Himself. God brought Christian friends, understanding professors, and anencouragingpastor intoher life todiscipleher and to helpherlearn English.
After hersalvation, Katarina was heartbroken over herlost family Shedoubted theywould everrecognize theirneed for the Savior, but God did more than she thought was everpossible. Both her mother and father are attendingLibertyBibleInstitute.
Katarina's life is awitness to God's provision,sovereignty, power,grace and love thatendures forever.Katarina prays thatall who haveheardher story willnotbe drawn toherbutto the storyof salvationin Jesus, the good news found inthe Bible.
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Theytalkamong themselves of eventspast, smiling, laughing and lookingslightly dazed. Every year at Homecoming they appear. To current dazed students their stories may seem overly nostalgic- but thetrials these alumni went through at Liberty made Homecoming a special timefor them.
Wayne Watson performed at aspecial alumnibanquetonOctober25. Selectgradsweregiven theEagleaward honoring them for outstanding achievements.
Also,there was an alumnipicnic before the Homecoming game at WilliamsStadium.
AccordingtoMarkSmith, codirector of the alumni association along with Jay Spencer, mostgraduatesdomaintaincontactwiththeiralmamater.They keep in touch through the alumni newsletter (Rekindling the Flame), The National Liberty Journal and thePresident's newsletter.
The Liberty footballteam entered its Homecoming game ver- sus Charleston Southern onthe heels of two of the toughest months in team history. The Flames have dropped fiveof theirfirstsixconteststhisseason. Coming into the season Liberty was ranked No. 14in the Sports Network poll. A firsteverberthintheNCA A Division I-AA playoffsseemed attainable. But injuries, close defeatsand turnovers put an end to the team's playoffaspirations. "The losses have been very frustrating," L Ujunior quarterback Ben
Anderson said. Despite the obstacles, theLiberty Flames won Homecoming.
A pigskin wasn't the only ball kickedin the LibertyHomecoming game Football may have been the center of LU's Homecoming hoopla, but "futbols" were still rolling, bouncing and flyingon the soccer field.
The Liberty Flames soccer team faced-off against Division 2 opponent Lincoln Memorial University in their own Homecoming match.
TheFlamesmenhave handled competition successfully this season, and carrieda7-4 record (2-2 Big South Conference) into the game.
Homecoming's opponent, Lincoln Memorial University, stacked a 9-4-2 record, and threatened with a high-scoring duo for Liberty's defense to handle.Itseemsthatbothteams were evenly matched despite theirrecords because the game ended in a tie.
Tropical Storm Fran hit Lynchburg on Friday, September 6. She dropped more than an inch of rain per hour, disrupted power throughout the region, and caused Liberty'searliestone-day shutdown in the school'shistory.
Fran had lost herhurricanestatus in North Carolinabutwas stilla full-power storm when she hitthe Lynchburg areaat4a.m. The eyeof the storm passed through town around 11 a.m.and moved east.
"You've got recordfloodingon theDan River,"said Mike Gillen, a servicehydrologistwiththeNational WeatherBureau "TheJames(River) was 23to 24feeton thecrest. Thafs 80 NotAfraid
/3?//7 /fefe£ # P/ayDayi
By Timothy J. Gibbons
not afloodofrecord, but itis eight feetabovethefloodstage."
Fran dropped more than eight inchesof rain,resultingin overflowingriversandfloodedbasements including some on campus. The ExecutiveMansion had threeinchesof water inits basement, reported Facility Manager Jon Bobbey,and the VinesCenterwasleakingwateronto the floor.
Workers started handling studentcomplaintsaround 8a.m. "We began assoon asour office opened withaprioritylistofwhattohit," the managersaid.
A significantamount of waterwas flowingontothefloorasaresultof the water pressure underground. Thiscaused waterto enterthrough theexpansionjointsintheconcrete and ontothe floor.
Secondprioritywasgiventostudent-related problems. A fewstudentsreportedleakageinindividual rooms, themanager said,butmost complaintsconcerned entiredorms orhalls.
Firstprioritywentto "expensive areas"suchas theVinesCenter floor.
Other damage toLiberty facilities wasminimal,Bobbey said. Pre viousyear'sproblem areassuchas Applied Science and DeMosssufferedlittleleakage.
m't/?your day off from Fran?
"HurricaneFran cancelled my bus home for my sister's wedding. Fortunately, two friendsdroveme in timetobe a part of it."
"On my day off I sat and watched my fingersshrivel up."
"I sleptin and went outtolunchwith my roommates."