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More Freedom VersusaSooia/Life
By KatieCarico
Early one morning an exhausted Liberty student stumbled out ofbed. The clock showed 7:45 a.m. and class started at8! The student made an attempt to look presentable and rushed out of the dorm room, across campus and into the classroom with one minute to spare.
The town student, on the other hand,had been up for at least30 minutes gettingready, drivingto schoolandbattling for a parking spot The good news for the now exasperated commuter was thatafterclasses, he could return home, whip up some snacks, kick back, relax and watcha little television. Oh, the pros and consof off-campus living.
Ifcommuters were asked what they missed most about dorm life, their answer would most likely be, "NOTHING!"
ChristiSpohnsaid, "Off-campus livingis cool becauseIhave my own closet and homecooked meals."
Butcommuters alsoemphasizedthe sociallifethatdormliving promoted. Everyday new friendships were made on the hall orin the cafeteria; whereas, livingoff-campuscouldbe social suicide if onelivedtoo far away from university life.
BrianColesaid, "Sometimes I feel like atotal recluse because I'm neveraround campus when things are going on.But then again,I've got a dog, a cat, home cooked meals and no curfew. Going to my own quietroomto study,sleepor justrelaxwasnice after atiring day."
The most well-known offcampus living spots included: OldMillTown homes,anywhere onTimberlake,andof course the legendary Montview Town houses, also known as Dorm 33. Commuters who visited any oneof theselocationswouldfind a familiar face. They were swarmingwithLibertystudents taking on theresponsibilities of living on their own. These responsibilities included paying theirown bills and cookingtheir own meals.
Sam Stutts explained, "Offcampuslivinghas its advantages anddisadvantages. For example, Ihaveno curfew and Ihave my own room, but Ialso haveto cook and Ihate cooking."
No onewasthereto tellthem to turnoff theirlightat midnight orhow cleantheir room needed tobe. However,town students were really easy to spot, they werethe overtiredone'swith the messyrooms.

Studentsenjoyed the relaxing, casual atmosphere ofPercival's Isletostudyorsimplyto socialize.