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&Ut<we Gink*

NightLifeintheDorms isAnythinghutDu/i

By Randy King

Life in the dorms was an experience noteasily forgotten. From harmless pranks tolate night conversations andspontaneous Bible studies, memories were made thatwould stay with studentsuntilit'stheirturnto pass thesecretson totheirchildren

Remember anyof these scenarios?

Abanshee screamyanked him out ofthe peaceful oblivion of slumber. Jeff's eyes strained to focuson his alarm clock.Thedisplay read ablurry 2:23 a.m. Out in thehall, he heard muffled laughterand retreatingfootsteps. As Jeff attempted toreturnto the Land of Nod, he silently blamed the daythe whistle ball had been removed from the shelvesofWal-Mart.

The warm water had doneits soothing work to relax her, and Cindy was looking forward toa much-needed night's sleep. She wasblindlygroping for hertowel when she heard snickering. Just assherealizedthathertowel was noton the hook where shehadleft ithanging,she was doused with ice-cold water. A moment before shecould see who had pulledthis prank, the room went dark and thedoor swung shut.

Across campus in another dorm, "Greg Norman willbe attempting this 25-foot-putt in an effortto remain four under par," Tom whispered melodramatically. He looked down the dim hall to where an aerosal deodorant can and bottle of gelformed the "hole." His opponent, Nate, leaned againstthewall.

"You'renevergonnamakethis one, Tommy boy," Nate sneered With a precision gained from many such competitions, Tom skillfullyputthe ballthroughto a smattering ofgolfclapsand was duly dubbed Dorm Putting Champ.

Bill pushed the door open hesitantly, not knowing if he would be welcome in his own room ornot. From thesounds of it, there was a full-scale verbal brawl underway.Peekinginside, hecouldn'tbelievehis eyes.Seven of his hallmates were huddled around a Riskboard.

Billhad barelysat down onhis bunk when one of the players jumped up and yelled furiously, "You're alla bunch of cheaters!"

He encompassed all presentin his angry glare. "You'veall got some kind ofscheme going tobeatme! Don'ttrytodeny it!"

The otherplayerstriedto placate him,but he was convinced. In defiance,he threw the game board and allofits piecesacross the room. Billhadn't seen anything like that since he'd played gameswith hissiblings as a kid.

Theseafterhoursact iv itie s played animportantrolein every dorm resident's college experienceandbestof all, therewere no late-nightpasses required to join the excitement.

Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Whatever theseason,studentsfound SpiritDaysa change ofpacetothedresscode. Above:Mark and ColinWerner went all outforred, whiteand blueday Above right: Isaac Ring showed off hisseniorityin black and redforclasscolorsday Below left: Jason Barchuski, an avid clash-dayfan, doesn'teven belong on theground.Below right: Guy Troyerand Mikey Burak didtheirBrady Bunch interpretationsfor70s day

Any Reason toCe/ehrate

No matterwhatthe sport, LibertyFlames fans added thenoisefactortopushthe teams onward Left: Noise stopped andeveryone bowed inprayeratthe end oftheLady Flames Big South victory Middle Row: Some guysgotall dressed up.Below left: Liberty's #1 Fan Gary Householderhad a frontrow seattoall events Below center: JimMartel was all "fyrdupp."Below right: Preston Broadhurst clowned around.

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