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Dr. John
PresidentDr.John Borek has been involved inhighereducationformore than30years. He ishonored by the rolehe hasbeen givenasleaderof thisuniversityashehelpsprepare studentstobecome solidChristian examplesand leadersinanonChristianworld.
"AspresidentofLibertyUniversity, I have been entrustedwithfulfilling theoriginalvisionofourfounder and Chancellor, Dr.JerryFalwell," says Borek."It is ourgoaltoprovide a quality, Christian, LiberalArts Universityforyoung people who desiretohave apersonalrelationship withChristand impacttheworld."
Borek'sleadershipmatcheshis passionforhighereducation of Christianstudents He stressesthat a Christianeducationshouldbe superior toanyothercollegeexperience. He believesafaith-oriented education musthaveasound academic program interwovenwithBiblicaltruths
"The educated personmustrealize thathisvaluesystem isbound by what he hasbeentaught," Borekexplains "We don'tknow truthexceptwhen we aretaughtby thosewho know truth."
President Borek believesthatthe truthswe learnincollegeinfluencethe decisionswe make throughout our lives.
"Collegeis thecapstone ofyouth,"he says. "We arejustbeginningtousethecreative mind and we aresettingthenavigational course ofourlife inmotion."
When he is notin his officeor making decisionstoleadand direct thisuniversity, Dr. Borek canbe seenatballgamesjokingwith students,ridinghis Harleythroughthe mountainswithcolleagues, ortakinga group ofpeople foraridein his smallengine airplane.
Sincearrivingat Libertyin1997, Dr.Borek hasnotonlybecome an exceptionalleader, butalsoafoundational partoftheLiberty family.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a ma n lay dow n his life forhis friends.