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One ofthe unique characteristicsofLiberty Universityis itsrichinternationalculture on campus.Many internationalstudentsadd talentto Libertysportsteams, whileotherscome togain an invaluableeducationalexperience.As soonasthey arriveon campus,internationalstudents are encourged togetinvolvedwithotherinternationals The Minorityand InternationalStudentsOffice (MISO) helpsstudentstodo soby organizing mixers,banquets, clubs, andworshipservices During breaks, MISO finds homes forthose who cannotreturntotheircountries. Not onlydo the internationalshavetheoppurtunitytobe astudent inthe United States, buttheyalsohelpeducate thosearound them abouttheirown culturesand customsbackhome.
International students can often be found hanging out together Here, Sandra del Cid (Honduras), Carly Mason , Mario Saravia (Bolivia), and Rich Jakubowski watch a soccer game
Mats Persson (Sweden) and An a Sofia Sousa (Portugal) take a minute to smile for the
Susan Foreid (Portugal) and Ana Sofia Sousa (Portugal) cheer on their teammates at a hom e basketball game