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Virginia'spremierof The Scarlet Pimpernel atLibertyUniversitywas presented by theDepartment ofFineArts Directedby LindaNell Cooper, themusicalcomedy was ahit. Inadditiontothe eight performancesatLU, theentire castwas invitedto Canada toperfom KingstonCollege. A Canadianbusinessmanwho saw theshow in Virginiapaid forthecast of30totraveltoCanada inJanuaryto performtwoshows familyonThanksgivingDay Theplay beginswiththein-lawscomingover, afterthateverythingrapidlygoes down hill. The motherbreaksone of herribsduringaRocketsimpersonation and hastogo thehospital. This leaves thedaughterstocook Thanksgiving dinner. Thewholeordealbecomes verychaoticwhen itturns out that onedaughteristakingdrawingclasses withnude models, anotheristeetering back and forthbetweentwodifferent guyswho suddenlybothshow upfor dinner, and yetanotherfinds outthat herfavorite grandmotherdied months ago and no one toldher And to top it all offthefamilythinks that theirdog diedand theyburiedit, onlyforitto notbereallydead and digitsway out ofthe grave.
Godspelltakes placeinthe mountains, with a group of people hat act out the scriptures because hey cannot read. The play begins as a story where the characters are simply acting out the gospel of Matthew, however by the end they have actually become he characters in Matthew.