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\^_JP)n the ^Mountain Spriritual Emphasis Wee k 2001

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Wednesday night'sspeaker, Mike Skupin, takestime tosign autographs foran eager crowd ofstudents Skupin spoke about hisexperience on CBS's national hitshow Survivor. While intheAustralian outback,Skupin severely burned the palms of hishand,buta miracle healed hishands and strengthened his faith.

Many students sacrificed their nightstocome hearthe speakers and be personally challenged Serviceswereheld each nightfrom Sunday toWednesday and lasted abouttw| hours

While discussing the believer'sopen accessto God through prayer, Rick Amato recruitsthe helpof Tommy Tenney,Monday night'sspeaker, to illustratethecheribums above the mercyseat.

Tim White, a returning member of Eternal Praise, helpslead worship beforetheservice

Students respond tothe message by gathering together inprayer.Each night opportunitieswere given forthose who made spiritualdecisionstocome forward and have someone pray with them.

Morgan Taylor, a prayer leaderon33-2, readsa passagefrom theWord atthe AllNight of Prayer. Thisnighthelped students prepareforand focuson what was about to happen during the following week From Friday nightto Saturday morning, floorswere assigned differenttimesto prayforthe upcoming Spiritual Emphasis Week.

Before each service, time was spent in praiseand worship.A few girls clap along with the music while worshipping.

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