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Prayer Groups are the key to ill's spriitual life.

On campus studentsgathertogetherevery Thursdaynightasadorm and familyat 10p.m for prayer, fellowship, and announcements The weekly hallmeeting is calledFOCUS,and involvesa spiritual aspectaspartof the meeting. During hall meetings, campus irrformationand announcementsare providedby the ResidentAssistants Studentsthen disperseinto smallgroupsfor prayer, praiseand worship, and discussionthatisledby atrainedprayer leader. Campus PastorDwayne Carsonleadsa traininginformationalclass onceaweek for all prayer leaders.

"Ifinallygotto relaxand open up tomy friends," sophomore BrandonMcLemore said. Many view prayergroupsas atimeto expressprayerrequests, problems, and praisereports. Hallmeetings and prayergoups areatimefor members of the hallto buildunityas wellas friendships the servanthood

Prayergroups usually consist o fellowship, prayer, and atime of teaching from the Word.

Girlson 26-2spend time hanging out afterprayer groups.Many close friendships have formed inprayergroups.

Some hallschoose to decorate hallwallswith "prayer walls." Each prayergroup is responsible todesign partofthe hallway

Prayer Groups

A group of30 students from LU went on a missionstripstoGuatemala duringSpringBreak They stayedinasmallvillage calledLlanoVerde. There, he studentsdiddramas, helped constructachurch, andwentstreetwitnessing.

LIGHT singersparticipated inacrusade,wherethere wereabout 10,000people attending.

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