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ibertp GLxperiences Qfbpiritual growth
As studentsattendHbertyUniversitytogrow academically, they are also challenged to grow spiritually. Residential students are able to grow spiritually through Prayer Groups and have the chance to be stretched by Campus Church. Messages are given by Campus Pastors Danny Lovett on Wednesday nights, Dr. Fowler on Sunday mornings, and Pastor Dwayne Carson on A Sunday nights.
EstelaAltamirano takestime out ofa fullscheduletospend time studying God'sWord.The fountain and courtyard nexttothe Prayer Chapel is an ideal placeformany studentsto find a quiet moment inprayer
The Prayer Chapel is a spiritual landmark ofthe Libertycampus. Here studentscan come to prayas wellasto participate in more intimateworshipservices.
The students areasked to lead the classinprayeratthe beginning ofthe hour.